I've had this bike for many years, and i need to id the year. I think it's a '98 but need to know for sure. Anyone know which digit on the frame number is the year?
Thanks for the help.
Chili beat me to it once again.
10th digit. T=1996, V=1997, W=1998, 1999=X, 2000=Y, and if it's any newer it will start with 1=2001, 2=2002, so on and so forth.
It will probably look something like this JS1PJ11AxWxxxxxx
I looked at what i had written down (it was 2am after a 12 hour day) and the 10th digit is 2. I thought it was older than that, i got it in 03 i thought it was a '98 or 99. Here what i wrote down: JS1RN7C3X2101xxx (Pardon my not including the last 3 digits please) I thought the 2 after the X was a check digit of some kind before the serial #??? After re-reading your responses, i think i'm missing a digit as i only wrote down 16 digits. If so, then the X means it's a '99.
Thanks guys.