RM60 Break In Done...just oil/spark plug?


Jun 15, 2002
Hi All...
I just got my son a brand new RM60 that was sitting in the dealer since 03' for a awesome price. This is his first manual transmission being he is coming off a PW50 and so far he is doing great. We have ran the bike for 10min...cool down. 20min...cool down. Then a good run for 30min getting into the power band and I think it is pretty much broken in according to the owners manual.

My question is...is changing the spark plug, changing tranny oil, cleaning filter and checking all the bolts/chain slack good enough? Or do I need to take off the top end to inspect everything? The owners manual mentions cleaing carbon out of the cylinder head and off the upper part of the cylinder. Also to replace the piston rings. Is this over kill? Just want to make sure I do everything proper so my son has a bike to ride for years to come.



DRN's Resident Lunatic
Aug 3, 2004
You don't need to change the sparkplug. Just change the oil, go over the bolts, do the chain, and do the filter. Then work on making sure the jetting is not too rich. No way you went through a top end in one hour. Most importantly, make sure the controlls are set in a way so that your son is as comfortable with the transition as possible.
(I think you meant to type "yz250f" in your "bikes" section of your profile)


Jun 15, 2002
Thanks Masterphil.
I thought going into the top end was a little exsesive, but just wanted to make sure. I will also check out the jetting to make sure it is not too rich or lean.

(I think you meant to type "yz250f" in your "bikes" section of your profile)
Yep....slight typo there :)
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