
Jan 9, 2000
hurray someone to play with-if we only talk of midvalve float and not reveal shim stacks then it should be ok.What have you got?you show me yours and i will show you mine;)

Jeremy Wilkey

Owner, MX-Tech
Jan 28, 2000
Guys this forum is very healthy actually.. It gets old and slow from time to time but thats part of the process. I've resigned myslef to not answer every question, for one because I've got other more grave concearns, I don't want to be taged as "overwhelming"..

Now call me a dork, but what I don't understand is this and maybe some of you can help me. Honestly while I was out and away it was nice not dealing with certain induviduals who forget that you have real respsonablites and comiments. They forget that with out this or forums like these that they still think fluid was pushed by a fork piston.

I mean honestly, its exstemely easy for some local with nothing to lose to speak there opion, yet for someone like myself or other couleges we take our time to educate, sure we have or petpeves etc but I think by and large we are concearned and genuily intrested in the better ment of our beloved profression.

I'm not asking for sympathy here, I don't want or need it. And I also completly realize that with my postion there will be cuntless losers taken stabs when they don't have anything better to do with there worthless lives. My only advice is go somewhere eles, quite bitchin and just try to deal with joe-public on some level that potentially involves your arse being in a sling ever time you walk in the door. When succesfully run that gauntlet for a few years you can come here and complain about something, but sufice it to say I'd speculate your weak nature will have been so trampled apon you won't show up.

If I read something wrong into this I applogize..

As far as I can tell the new, partianlly green are allways welcomed here with kindness, so by all means contribute, I promise you won't get b-slapped... I don't think any of the postive induviduals on this forum would ever do that to a decent intent.


Serious mode off...


Jan 26, 2002
The orginal set-up was at .033".....sorry I'm metric'ly challanged......and I'm gonna go with .045" on the update. I am going to do the passive first and try it, then do the mid-valve so I can see what effect I get from each. There are some shim changes to do also so maybe I SHOULD try it at .033" first. Hmmm. :think:

I am trying to get them better on 4-5" embeded rocks. The conv forks on the ATK spoiled me. That is about the only thing I miss. ;)

Oh, by the way...we are working on the opposite end of the same problem...I'm strictly woods and you do MX. Still may be able to learn something. :thumb:


Jan 26, 2002
Jer....I hope you're OK with me???? I'm not in any way bitching about what I purchased....the stock stuff was unrideable....your stuff was by far the best inverted fork I had ridden.

Just like the Six-Million-Dollar-Man, it can be better,stronger,faster.... :p

Jeremy Wilkey

Owner, MX-Tech
Jan 28, 2000
KTM Lew,

Do the updates, then exsperiment.. Scientific methods only or your results are not valid


As for MX and offroad, they are diferent but I'm convinced that we can both learn from each other. John Curea has become quite the offroad guy, yet we have some of the stiffest and productive conversations. Sometimes when you become too specialzed you lose gripe of the big picture. When I was younger and did most of my own testing I was amazed that over the course of a year ot two how you could go from one side of the fence to the other in belief that you where onto something, only to find after a long time you've taken the wrong path. Thats the buety of what we do really. The only thing you can do is to learn the absolutes along the way, and then try to better aply what you actually know.

As an example the still ongoing debate over midvalves. The exact configuration is is YTBD but the fact that a fork works better when configured propelry is a fact. The details are why... So with the deconstructed why we learn how. Over time we peice more and more details together.. This avoids being lost in the woods as much as posible.

Jeremy Wilkey

Owner, MX-Tech
Jan 28, 2000
KTM-LEW not directed at you in the slightest.. Nore was it at 99% of the good people here at DRN.. And that includes people who I don't agree with.. I'm directing this at the winers, hecklers, spammers, and other misolancous low-life.. Anyway I'm being no better than them am I. Its cool and I've spoke my mind, so no worries I just had to get that off my chest..


Nov 13, 1999
Originally posted by Jeremy Wilkey
...They forget that with out this or forums like these that they still think fluid was pushed by a fork piston.

I remember that thread. You sort of explained what really happens and told me it would keep me awake until I figured it out. You were right. Somehow my wife wasn't as thrilled as I when I woke her up and explained it to her my newfound enlightenment.

Geez, wimmen.....


COTT Champ Emeritus
Damn Yankees
Aug 31, 2000
Sorry if you took offense at my words Jeremy, I meant no malice towards you or any of the people here who are willing to divulge their knowlege to the masses. I meant b-slapped as in a cuff to the back of the head with a nudge in the right direction if I was pointing north when I should be heading south. Giving me hints, without just spelling out the answer. Making me think. Kind of a teacher student thing.


May 25, 2006
Are there any books out there that could help me understand
how forks work and what these guys just said ?

I really don't have the time or money to start taking my forks apart. ( and losing half of the internals !! )

These guys sure sound like they understand them intimately.
I have no illusions of being on their level, but would like to
understand the basic dynamics.

Maybe I should buy a set of used, shot forks and start taking them apart


Oct 28, 2006
mbaird said:
Are there any books out there that could help me understand
how forks work and what these guys just said ?

I really don't have the time or money to start taking my forks apart. ( and losing half of the internals !! )

These guys sure sound like they understand them intimately.
I have no illusions of being on their level, but would like to
understand the basic dynamics.

Maybe I should buy a set of used, shot forks and start taking them apart

Eric Gorr`s books are always a good choice. With his books and reading here, you`ll be a pro in no time. has them. Eric is to dirt bikes as Harry Klemm is to jet ski`s.
To me anyways :) Ah man it`s late.....
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