Same Old With a New Twist

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Mar 25, 2002
Been watchin CNN lately, and well something of recent appauls (sp??) me.

I was channel surfing and I see this beautiful dog in a box, and my mind got curious. I kept watching and the Al Queda had tied this dog up and set lose various chemicals on it. It made me cry. Seeing this animal, a dog none the less helpless to its fate. The worst part was it was struggling. It kept falling over and then getting up trying to get out, only to fall again.

I hope these *******s get what they deserve. Now I goto a church where it isn't ok to hate, just to dislike, but NO-ONE, and I repeat NO-ONE will convince me not to hate these people.

A disgruntled and very upset Jason.


Looking for Mr. Right
Jun 28, 2002
Im glad I didnt see that on TV. That kinda crap makes me sad and upset. Unfortunately, there are some sick, cruel, and idiotic people in the world. These people are losers and they will get what they need and deserve in the end.


Oct 30, 2001
I walk out of the room every time they play that dog video, I just can't watch. But they do the same thing every day here in the USA while testing all kinds of consumer products such as cosmetics. That's OK with Americans for some reason. :|
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Dec 31, 1969

Poor wittle rats. Oh my. You go down there and volenteer for the testing, k? Save a rat.

Bagging on terrorists will fly. Turning posts into what will become political rants wont.

I'll suggest you stop taking every opportunity you can to bleed on the boards. What's the point? Are you here only to convert s many bad Americans as you can? Please. Give it a rest.


A General PITA.
Apr 21, 2002
I feel everyones pain about this. A friend of mine just got home frome there this past weekend and everyone was happy to have him home(Thank the BIG guy above!) I got an earfull of what couldn't be put on the news. Belive me, my unit is "On Notice" and I am in OCS, I am about a hir's width away from droping it just to get a shot at some of those disgusting, spineless two faced(I mean this literally, according to my friend who just returned with a unit from the 101'st, they would ask for everything from PORK to PORN, not to mention ALCOHOL!)

We really are fighting disgruntled animals that unfortunatly resemble human beings :|


Moto Squid

Jul 22, 2002
*redneck voice* I jest got meself one of dem Al Queda huntin permits!!! Best shizznits...ain't got no bag limit eader.

They showed only a little of that footage on Fox...the gas cloud to leave viewers a mental picture. Those tested on larger animals and even some people :|


Looking for Mr. Right
Jun 28, 2002
Originally posted by Okiewan

Poor wittle rats. Oh my. You go down there and volenteer for the testing, k? Save a rat.

At my work place, the scientists and researchers do experiments on dogs, cats, rats, and baboons. I know this is necessary to find cures for certain ailments, but Im with Milque on this one. I dont like it. I do see why it is done, but I still dont like it. At times they leave these animals in cages in the hallways, and at other times, I might go into a lab and see the animals before, after, or during surgery.
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A General PITA.
Apr 21, 2002
Originally posted by Moto Squid *redneck voice* I jest got meself one of dem Al Queda huntin permits!!! Best shizznits...ain't got no bag limit eader.


Anyone ever see the MPEG floating around the internet about those two hunters going after "Feral Afganie's"?

I would really like to get that one........"Look at the turban on that one! ".....ETC.....ETC.



Dec 31, 1969
Okay, so let's forget testing. Let's let the chemists just give it their best shot and hope for the best. Somebody have a better idea? Or do we just give up? When someone's baby dies ask them how concerned they are about the cat that was saved because testing stopped. It's not a matter of liking it.

Find one valid report that says dogs and cats are killed to experiment with cosemetics. Key word is "valid", I don't need to see links to extremists goup web sites. I can see it now... a brown dog wearing blue eye shadow. :scream:


Looking for Mr. Right
Jun 28, 2002
Originally posted by Milk
I know this is necessary to find cures for certain ailments, but Im with Milque on this one. I dont like it. I do see why it is done, but I still dont like it.

Are we not aloud to have opinions anymore?

I understand why it is done, but as a personal preference, i dont like it. I find nothing wrong with that statement.


Oct 30, 2001
Originally posted by Okiewan
I'll suggest you stop taking every opportunity you can to bleed on the boards. What's the point? Are you here only to convert s many bad Americans as you can? Please. Give it a rest.

Not sure what you are talking about, but this thread was about killing a dog. What is the big deal with pointing out the hypocrisy of us (Americans) being upset about others doing the same thing we do daily.

FYI, I pass up nearly every chance I see to make political statements on DRN. I don't start political threads on DRN. If one exists already, and you expect me to not add an opinion because it won't agree with the majority, then write me a check dude.


Feb 9, 2000
Killing animals is a necessary evil, and we do it to feed ourselves, cloth ourselves and make ourselves look beautiful. Makes logical sense then that we use animals to test our wartime weapons - chemical weapons make a lot of sense, heck, if we are going to bomb people, what's the difference between using gunpowder or cyanide.

Don't know how the war on terrorism is going, but someone is definitely winning the propaganda war. I think most of us are more appalled, and scared witless by the thought of us being the targets of a chemical attack, something which the dog video brings home to us in a terrible and frightening way. I would think our scientists in weapons labs are conducting similar experiments right now.


This thread is going south ......... :( :uh:
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Do the impossible its fun
Jul 16, 2000
Milquetoast and Milk, I can agree with you. But, don't forget that American institutes that do these testings. Do not video tape it, and show it to the public. I would almost bet, that tapes like this one, and many others like it, are being sent to the classes where the kids are at. You know the ones? The ones where they brainwash the young ones, and then have them do the dirty work, when they feel the need to commit acts of terrorism.
I (and I'm sure everyone else on here, as well) understand where you 2 are coming from. We are flawed as well.

But I will no way, no how, compare this great country, or its fellow countrymen, to the cowards in the desert. Even if it is over, a dog :|


Feb 9, 2000
You know wraith, I would surmise that these tapes are designed not only to scare and terrorize us, but provoke us as well. They need never drop another bomb, nor make a direct attack, but stuff like this is going to scare us, and give us sleepless nights. The aim no doubt is to not only disrupt our lives but mess with the very framework of our society, our law and order, our very civil rights and constitution, and when we do fall apart, point out to the whole world, what a pathetic bunch we are, and just how right they have been - psychological warfare - scary stuff.

But we are better than that, and they may have to learn this the hard way - liberty and justice for all !


Dec 31, 1969
Milk... I didn't mean to imply that you were wrong about anything. I was simply stating that there are things in this world that we don't like, but have to happen. I should have been more clear, I was just using the part of your post about dogs, cats, etc. for an example. Not your opinion. I don't care to see animals hurt either.

You asked me to remove all political posts that people make, but you continue to post replies and political comments when we don't catch a post soon enough. It's gotten really old. I see a political post and pray you didn’t see it before I have a chance to delete it. Ignoring them to help lessen the problem would have been something to consider.

FYI, I pass up nearly every chance I see to make political statements on DRN
That's just not true. Maybe you read political content in to much more than most of us, but that statement isn't even close to accurate.

"But we are better than that
Not according to Milq's post. I really try to stay out of stuff like this, but that one hit my last nerve.


Feb 9, 2000
You know Okie, all that will do is make Milque a regular member, don't know how serious he is about chucking his lifetime membership, but I do think he is serious about contributing to the success of this site.

Milque-is-toast :scream: :ugg:


Dec 31, 1969
Oh, I appreciate the support, but at some point, a member can require more time than it's worth. Being a SupportTeam member does not buy a person the right to disregard the rules of this site. Do we all slip into debates that we've agreed to avoid? Yes. Some of us are just all over it, every chance we get. Milq., under the guise of "I just want to express my opinion", loves to stir the pot in what he perceives to be a conservative beehive.

If you are the only male at a party are you going to spend all your time trying to convince all the women that men are better? Or that women's opinions are flawed? No, you'll probably try to get along and leave the unnecessary comments at the door.

Bottom line is, I want everyone to leave their political leanings at the door. If we had a way to scan every post, every day and stop the posts from ever making the board, we would. It's a requirement therefore that someone show a little restraint and avoid fueling the fire... at least until we have a chance to remove the thread. Milq has a decision to make. Either way works for me.


Feb 9, 2000
Understood Okie.

Not defend Milque on this one, but I don't see anything political in what he said. Maybe an overreaction on your part Bob.

We had this come up before, and yes, being a member does not guarantee you the absolute right of expression, but only within the confines of the rules.


Do the impossible its fun
Jul 16, 2000
Yes BunduBasher, I will agree that psychological warfare is scary stuff. But I don't think tapes like that, will put all of America into panic, or disrupt or lives.
The only reason they are doing tapes like this one. Is because we are more "aware" of their intentions. And it is harder for them to get into the country to commit acts like what happened on 9/11. Thus, they have to commit childish acts, like gassing a dog, or making a picture of a baby dressed in military clothes with pistols and grenades. Because they can not let a day go by, without doing something that makes them think they are really hurting the American public.
Well I got news for them :moon: :moon: :moon: :moon: :moon:


Sponsoring Member<br>Club Moderator
Mar 9, 2001
What I saw was a clip of a dog, in a room and a cloud of something creeping closer and closer to the dog, it was said to be a deadly chemical which could be used to kill Millions of humans; Not a cosmetic research, not something to improve the quality of life and definitely not the cure for the common cold. How this can be compared to what happens in the research centers here in the USA is beyond me.

I hope these *******s get what they deserve. Now I goto a church where it isn't ok to hate, just to dislike, but NO-ONE, and I repeat NO-ONE will convince me not to hate these people.

Jason, I'm with ya in that thought

Milque, sorry bud, but in my opinion that was most definitely a Political commit and Mr. O. Wan is right on in his response
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