Say Mtngoat


Apr 11, 2001
The club I belong to will have an enduro in the (hot) dez (Cougar Buttes) next month; I suppose the SBNF - Pinnacles is still off limits (?!) so they were forced to have it @ a lower elevation.

As such I need to find a good hotel (& mexican restaurant; we like it best) in your area, & perhaps tennis courts within walkable distance from the hotel; the latter would give my younger boys something to do while my oldest & I attend the event in the morning (U R welcome to join us).

Tall order here but we did just that last w/e @ Ridgecrest; cost me a bunch but they're all the merrier for the change in our usual tenting & dad-cooks-on-the-Coleman-stove routine, especially since my wife for the 1st time last w/e, & wants to do it again.

I get an error upon clicking Profile & E-mail under your posts. Pls e-mail me @ john dot gill @ conexant dot com.
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