Scary Sight!


Mar 19, 2001
I saw a young guy on a sportbike today doing a high speed
wheelie down the highway. What was scary was that he had
a young girl riding double with him. As a father of two girls it
scares me to think that one day that could be one of my girls
riding with that nut!!


Mod Ban
Dec 10, 2000
I know a guy with a CBR 900 RR. He was riding on the highway one day at about 70 mph with his girlfriend on the back, and decided to do a wheelie. She fell off the back of the bike!:eek: Amazingly, no cars hit her. Needless to say, after she got out of the hospital, she was no longer his gilfriend.


Sep 9, 2001
Looking back now I see that was very dumb of me - but I was that guy when I was in my late teens.. Oh nothing could happen to me I ride wheelies from here to Christmas.. even gave people rides and did it with them on the back. Man I would never try anything like that now.. I guess when your young and dumb.. I now know way to many 'true' horror stories about what can and does happen.. I was very lucky - hopefully I will pass my knowledge to my son whom I'm sure when old enough will ride bikes too.. I plan on teaching safety first.. There is a time and a place for everything. Good luck with your daughters..


May 10, 2001

I see this all the time! If its onaly one person ont the bike it's cool. (Im 13 still:p ) but still . . .! At this bar/carshow me and my dad go to evry thursday nigt thers 100's of people doing that stuff. 80% with one ridder but AT LEAST 20% have 2 people on the bike. One time there was this real jack . . .well you know.and he had a nice street bike well if it was stock it would be. But it wasent It had strobs in place of all the lights, no helmets (here it's the law) no eye protection (law). Shoots down the street at like 80 MPH! him and a chick on the bike. He sits onon the gas tanke feet over the bars!! Stands the bike strait up n' down!! The girl ont the back was SCRIMING so loadyou couldent hear any of the cars or other bikes! Her hair was dragging on the ground, she was holding on to any thig she could! I allmost pissed my pants, i thought she was going to get killed! I hate whem people are like that :debil:


Oct 6, 2001
I saw someone doing that down a street the other day with a girl on the back. I don't understand it myself. I'm 15 and when I turn 16 would never do something like that. It scares me when I see people do stupid stuff like that.:scream:


Oct 14, 2001
i agree, im 15 too, thats just plain stupid. yeah one person is good...i dont htink you should carry 2 ppl on a street bike to begin with. im never going to try that, i can say that now. im saving for that CBR already. its stupid people like that that get bikes banned. look what happened to 3 wheelers. parents gave their kids a new 250R and no helmet and they went and got killed and automatically its the manufacturers fault :mad:


Sep 9, 2001
i dont htink you should carry 2 ppl on a street bike

Say what you will now but when you get that sweet ride up under you and the chicks are begging for rides don't be surprised if you go back on this.. just keep both wheels on the ground and you'll be alright...


Do the impossible its fun
Jul 16, 2000
Trying to keep both wheels down on a sportbike is like going to a MX track and telling someone to roll every jump. It is hard to ride sane on the street. If you've ever rode something like a GSXR-750 or 1100 you know what I mean. You can be in 2nd or 3rd and bring it up under power. And 2nd or 3rd on the a srteet bike is haulin:D I don't know if it would help, but when someone goes to apply for a motorcycle license, they should have to attend a MSF course and one of those Road schools like Keith Codes. It's way to easy to get a motorcycle license the way it is. If these girls who opt to get on the back of a sport bike (with these squids, not all but most) only knew how little the rider knew about riding. They might not. :think


Sep 9, 2001
It's way to easy to get a motorcycle license the way it is.

Ditto on the safety training...
I got my permit when I was 15 by taking the written test (no road test required).. the only difference between a permit and a license? The permit expires every 6 months..:scream:

Trying to keep both wheels down on a sportbike is like going to a MX track and telling someone to roll every jump.

That's true... very true - I still have the urge to ride wheelies up and down the road.. and do - just with alot more caution than what I used to - no partners, wearing a helmet, no traffic on the road...


Damn Yankees
Aug 17, 2001
I'm soon to be 38, and there are definetely a few (ok more than a few) things I don't like to think about that I did when I was younger. Pulling a wheelie into the side of a moving car at age 12 is one of them. Wheelying on the street/wheelies with passengers, what coulda' happened, what almost happened, putting other people in danger, I could still go into a sweat if I think about it too long. That's one reason why I gave up streetbikes. It wasn't the 'other guy' like a lot of other bikers say; it was I that didn't have the self control to be reasonanly safe. I missed the streetbike for a little while, but I slept better from the first night I sold it.

Not everyone is as ignorant or careless as I was, (and I'm not inferring that I don't do stupid things anymore, they are just a lot more tempered and less frequent.) but there are a a lot of them out there. Especially the younger guys. Having kids and getting older has a huge impact on the way most people think. I'm glad I'm one of them.

When I see someone acting like an idiot or a hero, yea, it pisses me off, but I know where they are coming from, I been there. I just sincerely hope that they are as lucky as I was to graduate before they kill, cripple, or otherwise wreak havoc. I know I got away with more than I deserved. I still do. Let's face it, without any risk what's left? I could quote you a close call for most of my rides, Now I have the other guy, myself, and my family to think about.

Something that seems to help me is I have a ritual. I have a little talk w/ myself before every ride. I give thanks for the opportunity to ride, and realize that could be taken away with one wrong move. I guess it helps some.

I know it's corny as all h---, but that's my take on it.

Joe Chief


Jan 7, 2001
Any of you read "The Racer's Image "? A fantastic book about "the life" of being a hardcore sport rider/canyon racer. While not written about the crew I was with, it may as well have been, so much of it related. VERY worh reading if you ride on the street at all.


Too much of a good thing.
Nov 22, 2000
Ditto, Chief. I rode a street bike in high school. By the time I turned 19, I had already scared myself silly at least 10 times. I was riding small-bore two-strokes, and it's a good thing I didn't have real power under me. I always blamed my crashes on other people, but it was always my fault. I still can't believe I survived so many brushes with death. I won't ride another street bike (unless it's a scooter).
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