SCWC does Frozen Deep Creek


Crazy Russian
Jan 25, 2000
Placelast already covered the night poker run, but the next day was the "Frozen" Deep Creek Enduro - the main event.

The enduro was touted as being a "timekeeper", and it certainly was. The hills were moderate in difficulty, the sandwashes were minimal (the way I like it) and there was time for a breather at several points along the ride (besides the resets). I can't post about any really difficult sections, because there weren't any, but the scorekeepers hiding behind the bushes kept eveyone entertained. The weather was perfect - sunny and about 65 degrees with very little wind. Enduro Nirvana. :thumb:

Ho-kay, I've managed to mess up every enduro before this, but I kept thinking that this was my day to stop acting goofy. :confused: I finally got it together (sorta) and only dropped 61 seconds total on the day. Still not a great score for a "timekeeper" event, but a definate improvement.

Eel, thumbs, Scar (spectating with a couple of mini scars), Capt'n Jack, Brettr were all on hand Sunday to round out the SCWC.

All things considered, I'd rate the event a :thumb: 10 :thumb:

Results are at the link below-
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Apr 11, 2001

Well congrads on the trophy Hotshot! Not bad at all for doing it with a bald rear tire.

And Eel-er? A 2nd place on his 1st go at amateur! Good go. Looks like the new Gas Gas did go go.

Tony: you shame me! :( But then again, you did do the WORCS event in another state the day before. How'd ya fare there?


Crazy Russian
Jan 25, 2000
Placelast - Santa Maria is still in SoCal - isn't it? Be sure and scout the area well, so that we can have a SCWC and a Central Cal Wrecking Crew combo ride. Maybe the Great Pismo Ride is in the future? ;)

Come to think of it, wasn't it you who introduced me to enduros? Kind of like offering someone that first cigarette - "Here, this is good for ya". :scream: :eek:

I hoping to get a more "enduro friendly" bike in the future, so that I can better satisfy my addiction.

I don't know how Eel and some of the others got such low scores - they must have ESP or something. ;)

the Eel

Sep 23, 2000
Being on a good minute helps ... I was lucky. ;)

Holeshot - major congrats on your Trophy !!!! Your determination is impressive ... nice work.

the Eel

Sep 23, 2000
Holeshot - get a Gas Gas - maybe a nice 200. :thumb:


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Oct 23, 2000
Sounds like my kinda race. So many of the races here are nothing more than a Hare scramble that they call an enduro. Congrats on your good ride.


Apr 11, 2001

Well, it's at least the same state. All I know is it takes me 3.5 hours to drive there, and about the same if I catch a flight (transfer @ LAX). But it is enjoyable either way, especially seeing the tree covered rolling hills, green this time of year (ISDE grass track practice?). I remember this last summer the day when Eel and Jack were doing Snowy Trail I was able to see Alamos Mtn. from the plane.

I'd like us to do Ballinger Canyon someday. It's to the NW of Hungry Valley, and a half-way point. I've been there twice for enduros; one was cancelled (some frog/lizard thing) and the other was my first re-entry into enduros with TWMC in '99 - only got 6 miles out when I took a fall in some whoops/DNF on my DR pig.

Then for those wanting to do more of the coastal hills, the Pozo area (been there once for an enduro, but it was cancelled by the forest service due to snow! And for the more adventursome: Clear Creek. Been there twice: once for the Quicksilver National (did not enter due to a headache the day before, practice riding).

I believe each zone should have their own unique name, say Central CA Oak Bark Busters, CCOBB in the short, or Jersey-Rippin' Manzanita Crashers (JMRC).

Pismo? Think I'd leave the bike home and rent a (gasp!) quad since the salt water/air ruins aluminum finishes and tighen spoke nipples (advances dielectric corrosion), and then there's no need to buy/mount a paddle tire. HumVees are for rent too (wife wants to do that.) Those of you not wanting to camp can crash at my (temp.) bachelor pad.

Lil' ol' me introduced U 2 enduros? Gee: I thought you'd never be back after your first (then second, then third....) Guess my plan worked too good :eek: (I'm learning the ropes, methods of persuasion from Spanish Jack.) Methinks a KTM 200/250e/xc or Gas Gas will do you well.


Tony 'da Rat
Oct 16, 2000
I don't know what I was thinking. I was riding about 3 to 5 seconds early but thought I had a good enough view to see any checks or places to hide. Boy was I wrong! I'm very dissapointed with myself. A flat front tire half way through the 2nd loop didn't help any. At any rate it was fun and I went the entire distance and rode to the expert finish just for ****s and giggles. With that said I'm moving from the Novice class to the Amature class this year.

Conrgats to Holeshot for great ride.

For those of you that don't know, the Eel took 1st place for the year end points in the novice class. Way to go man!
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the Eel

Sep 23, 2000
FYI - Thumbsy got 4th Novice for the year and missed 3rd place by only 15 points, and he did this even though he missed 3 races. Considering his finishes, he would have likely taken 2nd overall for the year if he hadn't been out and about socializing with DRN'rs during the 3 races he missed.

All I can say is .. "He'll be back." (austrian accent)

We finally got Captain Jack to join up for the '03 season as well.


Apr 6, 2002
Sounds like it was fun.

Still looking for somone to bum that first cigarette from. ;)
Congrats to the Eel, thumbs and Holeshot.
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