SE Spodefest Head Count


Jan 15, 2000
We are leaving pretty early Friday morning, around 3 or 4 a.m. Just going to be able to take our time getting places. Try to get some riding in before alot of people get there.


Jan 18, 2002
Hey 96whyzee125 ...

You won't regret the decision to join us! Monster Mountain is an AWESOME facility. I rode there for the first time about a month ago and can't wait to go back.

Also glad to hear that you will be bringing your son - I'm pulling my boy out of school on Friday as well. Tell him that my son rides an XR80, so I'm sure they can hook up on one of the tracks to ride together.

We will be arriving Friday morning some time. You can look for my black Chevy Suburban with a black trailer behind it. I'll be on a YZ250f #77 and my son will be on his XR80 #7


Never enough time !
Dec 24, 2001
Holly cr*p, I just pulled the Yahoo directions up... 560 miles, 13 hours...:silly:
We need one of these smilies where the eyes fall out and roll away. Wow, If we leave at 3 am Friday, unload at 4 pm... load back up at 4:30 to go to hotel...Have a drink with the guys... carry the 7 add 4 + 67% / pi...How much does Gomer weigh? 250+-... still thinking...Yea, it all adds up, I'll be passed out by 6:30 friday evening and worthless monday morning. Seriously, I need to think some more on this one, 13 hours...(shaking head):ugg: Anyone know a shortcut?:)
I really want to go and lil 96 would have a blast...don't count me out


Looking for single women!
Jan 19, 2000
For those campers out there, remember we are expecting mid 30's both nights. Not too cold but bring a good bag to curl up against (no, no, I didn't mean your wife, calm down).

I'll bring some large chunks of wood to burn in the evening. If anyone else has some left over from this winter, bring it.

Dave - other things to bring.

A good comfortable chair for Ivan to sit in;
Pain killers - I prefer Ibuprofin;
Beverage of choice - to be consumed after all riding is done for the day;
Your best lies;
A big camper with a spare bed for me (last year they made me sleep in the back of my truck);
A sense of humor for when the farting begins;
Coffee (it seems that I was the only one with coffee last year, needless to say I was very popular in the morning);
and last but certainly not least, your favorite cure for MONKEY BUTT :moon:

Love GiGi


Too much of a good thing.
Nov 22, 2000
13 hours? Are you walking? I could do 560 miles in 9 hours easy. . .in my truck. Seriously.

I made it to Casey, IL from Birmingham in 8.75 hours - twice. It's a long haul, but I drove that far just to LOOK at a YZ250F last year. You can leave your stuff at the track if you get a room. We'll be glad to keep an eye on it for you. Come on down and I'll buy you an adult beverage or three.

Shin Ichi? I remember him. He's the guy that kept riding off on my XR80 while I was trying to get Ivan outta my chair. I hope he shows this year, cuz I have a SPECIAL pit bike for him.

I'm going to try to get there first Friday morning, but I'll prolly roll in around noon. I'll be in a white '01 S-10 pickup that'll look like Fred Sanford should be driving it.


Feb 16, 2000
Juliis Quote: "I'll be in a white '01 S-10 pickup that'll look like Fred Sanford should be driving it."

Julius, now I may have to take your Fred Sanford title away from you as my S-10 is a piece of work as well. This is enhanced by Fred driving the truck. BTW, when was the last time you washed yours? ;)


Too much of a good thing.
Nov 22, 2000
I spent two hours washing it Friday, and it rained all day Saturday. :silly:

That was the first real bath it's had in a month.

High Lord Gomer

Poked with Sticks
Sep 26, 1999
I've never actually washed mine (in 4 years). I've run it through the carwash a few times, but the brushes don't meet and it merely cleans a strip down the center and the sides. me a phone number...I have an idear. ;)

High Lord Gomer

Poked with Sticks
Sep 26, 1999
Originally posted by Truespode
I am camping out in a tent unless Gomer will allow me to sleep with him ;)
I haven't worked out the sleeping arrangements with Slacker, yet, but I don't think anyone will want to be in the same trailer with me and Danny snoring!


Jul 26, 1999
Originally posted by Julius Pleaser
13 hours? Are you walking? I could do 560 miles in 9 hours easy. . .in my truck. Seriously.

I'm gonna have to agree with JP on this one. I grew up in a family of road warriors. I've done Detroit to Daytona without stopping. (more than once)

Look, here's what you do. Take your kid out of school for the whole day on Friday. Leave your house by 6:00 pm eastern on Thursday. You can make it to MM in 9 hours easy. Actually, it would take 8.61 hours to travel 560 miles averaging 65 mph. 65 is easy to do, you just drive 70-75 the whole way and DON'T stop at all except for gas! (The kind that goes in the car! :) The kind of gas that you emit while traveling is not a cause to stop!)

Ok, so you'll arrive in the MonsterMountain area between 1:30 and 2:00. IF you get 7 hours under your belt, and you get tired, pull over and get some sleep. Either way, your at the track Friday morning, and you have all day Saturday, and you leave after lunch on Sun, you're home by MIdnight Sunday night, and back at work by 8:00am Monday morning.

Seriously, this is a relatively tame schedule. I returned home from an Enduro in Arkansas one time at 1:00am and was in my seat on an airplane for a business trip at 5:30am!!

You can do will be worth it. :cool: Good luck!

High Lord Gomer

Poked with Sticks
Sep 26, 1999
Dave...I got a msg that said my PM box was full and that it rejected a message by you. Please try it again or call me at 803-530-5993!


Sep 27, 2001
Originally posted by High Lord Gomer
I haven't worked out the sleeping arrangements with Slacker, yet, but I don't think anyone will want to be in the same trailer with me and Danny snoring!

Ah.. that settles it! I'll be bringing my tent! :scream:

duron peacock

Jul 17, 2000
Ok now, you guys are just too darn funny. Sounds like a night at grandma's house with all the cousins trying to figure out who's sleeping where. Let me put this itinerary out there and offer some accommodations and you guys can fight for the rest. I'll be leaving Atlanta Friday morning 10 am. I'll be driving my Ford E-250 Super Duty, Fully Extended van. Yes, this is the one with the eleven feet deep cargo area that I always drive and most of you have seen it. Biscuit and I have slept in it a time or two at TNT in South Carolina. I will bring my portable propane heater and some firewood as well. Now, here's the kicker. My girlfriend and I will be staying at the Holiday Inn East. If someone wants to sleep in the van this weekend, they can. I have a padded floor cover in it. We will be getting around in her new truck so the van will be parked. If the van gets a little chilled at night, just fire up the portable heater for a few minutes and things get nice and cozy. Open a window for ventilation, of course. Sleeps two comfortably. If anyone would like to reach me, please call my cell number at 770-527-6026. Thanks, Porkchop

High Lord Gomer

Poked with Sticks
Sep 26, 1999
"If this vans a rockin...

...don't let Ivan escape by unlockin!"

Hey about if I just go to the hotel with you guys? ;)

A friend offered to let me take his motorhome and trailer, but I don't want to have to clean it up afterwards. Besides, a night of roughing it with the roughnecks might be fun!


Looking for single women!
Jan 19, 2000
Bring the motorhome for me and I'll set my tent up for you:scream:

Is it Friday yet:eek:


Sponsoring Member
Dec 28, 1999
Could they pick a worse weekend?:debil: I've known for weeks that Cody would have a pre-season tournament for t-ball but didn't know when. I found out last night that it's this weekend. A definate game Friday and Saturday. Possibly more if they win. Sunday is out due to helping deliver the pontoon boat my parents sold.

T-ball is really getting me mad......... :p

Have fun everyone!


Too much of a good thing.
Nov 22, 2000
Too bad you can't make it. Tell Cody to win one for DRN. :cool:


Looking for single women!
Jan 19, 2000
Neely - sorry to hear the bad news. We'll take lots of photos.

JP - I did my shopping tonight and fire-toasted burritos are on the menu for Friday night. By Saturday you'll be able to answer your question:uh:

One more day of work till funsville:eek:


Sep 30, 2001
I will be there early Friday to RIDE.:aj:

Who's gona be there early Friday, let's say around 10:00am?

Lemming and Juliuspleaser - I can finally bend my knees and elbows!:)



Looking for single women!
Jan 19, 2000
Shawn, yep my back is still sore from Sunday (glad you're going to make it down; remember to pull your flywheel). Can't wait to see how much I hurt next week:scream: I have to stop at DB Supply to pick up some supplies then I'll head to MM. I should be there by 11 or 12.

So, is everyone ready?


Jan 15, 2000
We will be leaving here around 3 A.M. bright and early! Look for a blue and white S-10, '02 YZ 125 # 17, little kid wearing No Fear, should be easy to spot me. I don't know where this bowl thing is but I will look for it.

Fast Frank 1

Oct 31, 2000
I'am In

Ok I'am in its close enough to depature time that nothing should go wrong. Last year said I was going and ended up selling my house and had to move. I can't understand how my wife could think that a place to live was more important than riding. Any way have kitchen pass in hand and after taking her to New Orleans to the SX race I think I burned her out on hanging out at the Track since we got there at10am and left around midnight. Oh well I enjoyed Meeting and talking with RC and others as well as checking inside and out the Factory Team Honda Rigs, talk about the feeling of a kid in a candy store!!! Weather should be around 35 low and 65 high for SAT...See Ya in the Line Up...


Sep 30, 2001
Lemming -

Can't pull the flywheel weight because the father-in-law has got the impact wrench and he's two hours in the opposite direction. Any ideas? Maybe Bill at DBS will let me use his if I get by there. Tomorrow is the only day I can ride :whiner: :whiner: :whiner:



Jan 18, 2002

I will be arriving early on Friday as well. Should be there around 9:00. Will be in a black suburban pulling a black trailer. Riding a YZ250F #77. Will also have a few other DRN members and non-members with me.

Look forward to meeting you
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