Seal/clutch deterioration when changing oils


Dec 27, 1999
From an old June '01 thread on synthetic vs petroleum based oils, Rich made the following remark.

"Air cooled engines have the MOST to gain from running a quality synthetic oil, but changing to synthetic oil on a bike that has run it's whole life on mineral oil is asking for clutch and seal problems. I would keep using the Castrol and just keep it clean by changing it regularly. "

I just bought a '97 YZ 250 and, from the title, I'm about the fourth owner. From the smell, the last one was running bean oil, but Lord only knows what all has been run through it before. However, the bike itself is in excellent shape.

From Rich's statement above, would it be safe to say that,

1. Given a reasonable amount of regular maintenance and,
2. The fact that I'm pretty easy on bikes and clutches....

would the difference between QUALITY oils (and I know that term itself could cause argument) be slight enough that in my case, my major concern would be protecting my seals?

To take this a step farther....does the deteriorating effect work both ways? For instance, not knowing what 's been used before, would using a petroleum based oil in an engine used to synthetics be less likely to cause seal damage than the other way around?


A General PITA.
Apr 21, 2002
In the automotive industry, ounce you change to synthetic don't change back w/o a rebuild. For the bike parts I can't say but I would lean that way. I started running Motoul as my premix because I didn't know what the previous owner ran in the 'ole Zinger. I thought by running a totaly synthetic would be fine. WRONG! Bothe case seals now leak into the case and I make enough smoke to be a fogger!

A guy I work with told me that Synthetic oils are thinner and will alow leaks around the seals. He may be full of crap and may be not. So far his advice has paid off. So far my bike smokes like no belife and handels well due to correct jetting. Still smokes like a bitch due to bad crank seals. I am guessing it's bad crank seals due to switching to synthetic oil.


Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999
I personally have never found any relationship between seal leaks and the type of pre-mix that was used. The seal issues I was talking about were related to four-strokes with high mileage/hours that suddenly switched to synthetic. I don't think how "thin" the oil is has any bearing on anything.


Sep 12, 2000
I have been using 927 since my new bottom end was installed. I have been using amsoil the last 15 hrs .Ignition side seal is dry and I am not pulling any tranny fluid from the tranny side into the combustion chamber.I just made sure my existing mixture was totally drained.I don't see a problem changing premixes.I have also tried regular motor oil different brands in the tranny side and then back to sythentic with no seal leaks.
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