Shifting Help


Jun 1, 2002
Last week I crashed pretty hard. Since then, my bike is missing my upshifts. Sometimes after I shift to 3rd, the bike will drop back to 2nd. It keeps missing 2nd from 1st, and 3rd from 2nd. I took off the shift lever tonight, and it didn't want to fit back on. The rod the lever sits on felt slightly bent. Any help?


Jun 1, 2002
Thanks, Einstein.

Can someone else please expand on the scope of this repair? Is this a simple/inexpensive task that can be repaired by a novice? Thanks for any insight.


Dec 3, 2001
If your talking about the rod coming out of the engine, then your screwed. If its any part of the the shifting lever itself, buy a new one. But like I said, if its the rod coming out of the engine, then it needs to be replaced. This means you have to take the engine off the bike and tear the whole thing down, then split the cases and replace the rod that was bent, if YOU want to replace it then you have to buy a clymer manual for your bike to know what to do. But, I would suggest that you take the just the crankcases to a shop and have them replace it, so you should take engine off bike and remove the cylinder, piston, clutch components, and anything else you can take off. Then take the cases to a shop and tell them that the shifting rod is bent and that it needs to be replaced.
Sorry man, that reallly sucks.
Best of luck.


Jan 11, 2001
Hard to know without knowing what your bike is but for a CR the part would cost something like $65. If you had a manual you could do it but it is slightly involved. You would need to take off the side cover, remove the clutch, then the shaft should come out easily as far as I remember.


A General PITA.
Apr 21, 2002
Before you really start to fret and tear your bike to peices I would recomend spending the 20 bucks on a Moose Shifter for your model(Or maybe your shop has a n extra laying around) and compare the angles of the shift lever. I understand you hit pretty hard but the laws of gravity, force and weight being what they are it is unlikely you bent your shaft without cracking the case or at the very least losing oil from the seal. It all works on Mechanical Advantage, I'm sure you remeber all about levers and fulcrums from Geometry. Well if you think about your hit, think of your shift lever as the lever and the shaft as the fulcrum. Things being as they are and I am a spode and crashed many a time it is likely that you have bent your shift arm and the shaft is o-k unless there is oil leaking from around it(Due to a shot seal or cracked case). Your shift shaft is about 5-6 inches long where your shifter is about3 1/2 or 4 inches long. You would have had to wrenched the shifter pretty damn hard to exert enough pressure to bend your shift shaft ,reinforced by the cases and gearing.

Find a replacement shifter arm and compare before tearing your bike down. If the arm is the case you just saved alot of money. If not you have a part on hand that I wish I had when I stripped my shift arm last weekend. Mine would shift up all day long and slip down to first every time I tapped it. Stripped Arm, not shaft. After applying one peice of Duct tape to the shift shaft and putting the shifter back on, Vola! Worry free shifting.

My .02

End of Basic Levers and Fulcrums Class.

P.S. Duct Tape Rocks! Personal flavor? You have to ask? OD Green! :)
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Sep 12, 2000
I agree with Irish.I had a get off back in 94 my bike was a 94 cr 250.I bent the shifter 1/4 way back to the foot peg.I put on another shifter,the shift shaft and cases were fine. Go for a new shifter and try it out,I think you will be fine.


Aug 6, 2001
I noticed in your profile you have a 99 YZ 125, so you do NOT have to remove the engine and split the cases to replace the "shift shaft" (a.ka. Rod thingy coming out of engine). On Yamaha's, you merely take off the clutch cover & basket, disassemble the shift guide & pawl, and you can pull the shift shaft through the right side :thumb: . Here is the link to the shift shaft assembly on parts Shift Shaft Assembly

So before you remove the engine, pull the cylinder, piston, and split the cases and basically waste money as one uniformed member would have you do . . . just buy a new shift shaft for $32 and your home free.


Jun 1, 2002
Thanks Thumper and friends. I'll take a picture of the shifter and post it tomorrow. I don't know if it is related, but there is a big chunk of aluminum shaved off the shifter. The bike was missing gears/shifts again today at the track. Does this make sense.....I was shifting from 2nd to 3rd, and sometimes hit neutral?! Something internal is wrong.


Dec 3, 2001
Sorry in telling you that you had the split the cases. My mind was somewhere else earlier today and I was thinking of something else. Anyway, If you shifting shaft is bent, then do as YZThumper said. But, most likely if your shaft is bent, then you wont be able to pull it through the crankcase. If this is the problem then you need to hacksaw off the end of the shaft that is bent, then sand down the edges if there rough. Then shaft should easily come out now and be replaced with a new one.

First though, get a new shifter and see if that makes a difference, if it doesnt, then replace the shifting shaft. If it still misses, then you might have a problem.
Once again, sorry about my earlier post.


Jul 14, 2000
Did i bend something?
That was what you asked and you answered it yourself so I thought I would point it out, sheesh, im just trying to help you out, no need to resort to name calling. Hope you get it running ok though :thumb:

David Trustrum

Jan 25, 2001
Don't have a cow man. (sorry couldn't resist).

Of names to be called it’s not a bad one, (as long as they mask the sarcasm bit).

OK here’s my take having read the above & applying the advice of an old friend

“Listen to what people say, but don’t listen to what people say”

Seems stupid -but it is inspired. It means that people see a symptom but they get hung up on what it is so aren’t open to alternative answers & chase red herrings.
Actually maybe it’s not so applicable but I’ve typed it so now I’m sharing & you can take advantage of his sage advice & live your life by this rule.

OK first option is the shift lever is bent & it rubs on something meaning the shifts aren’t knocked completely through to the next gear all the time. Has this shaved area been from the case or some rubbing?

Or if you are unlucky the shaft this pivots on IS bent & then you pull it out the sidecover as stated. Easy job, have had to replace/straighten shafts before now.

Or if you are more unlucky then the arm on the shaft inside the clutch cover is damaged (I had one break after a crash & would only shift up gears. I was in 4th before I worked this out & had to be towed up some hills). Fix same as before.

But then if the shaft is straight then yes you have bent a shift fork inside & Glitch’s overly pessimistic response becomes more valid.
Never mind it’s not the end of the world by any means.
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