Should I test ride a snow mobile?


Nov 14, 2000
I got offered the chance to test ride these new like snowmobile/dirtbikes I guess thats what you could call'em. Brand new this year you guys think I should? I've never ridden a snow mobile before. I've seen what it is, it looks like a snowmobile (duh!) but its has forks on it like a bike they look like the showa's or ohlins forks and it sits more like a dirt bike would and it has like 12" of travel and its got foot pegs it looks killer but its like $9 G's! Yall think I really should? I don't need to get sucked into another expensive hobby :) If I do anyone got any basic tips on how to ride these decently? I've ridden quads in the snow thats the closest i've gotten to it. I'm just asking if it would be worthwhile are they fun? does it even compare to a bike? I need some motivation to want to drive 2 hrs to do something I've never have before :)


Mar 22, 2001
Do it, they are very much like a bike I think, and the acceleration on them is absolutely insane! Be carefull if you ride a 650 or above, they'll kill you in a heart beat if your not carefull.


Oct 3, 2002
I'd ride/drive anything offered! I saw a pic of one of them. Looks wild. Anyone have a link to more info?


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
I'd definitely go for it--ever since I saw those things I have wanted one. It will be super heavy in front though. I have ridden and raced snowmobiles a very little bit--they are no replacement for bikes but they are still pretty cool. A 500cc twin (it is a twin right? I thought it was . . . ) in a 350-pound sled is going to freaking RIP.


Nov 14, 2000
Yea thats exactly what I would get to try out, but for some reason it looks kewler in person. It might be alittle while longer before I do cause we really just started getting good snow here maybe if I can get a break during the rest of the AX series I'll go do it and I totally let ya guys know what I think, it looks like it would rule for like snowcross.
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