Six Weeks And Counting...


Sep 27, 2001

I am planning on riding in the Wild Piglet Family Enduro, CA in six
weeks and need some advice on how to get in shape quick!
I have been riding every other weekend and TRY to work out
at the gym at LEAST once a week (I know, this is not enough!)
My main problem is time, guilt and childcare. I have a 10 month
old, work full time, and prefer to spend what little time I have
left over with my son and taking short weekend riding trips with
my husband (Justin). On average, We usually get in about 40 miles of mostly rocky, single track trails per ride. The Wild Piglet is supposed to be 55-65 miles of "easier" trails. I also hopefully, plan to ride in a "real" D36 enduro come May and need to be able to ride 85 miles of difficult terrain in one shot.
Are there any other women out there juggling similar schedules
and able to find the time to get in shape? What type of work outs (besides riding more) do you suggest? Am I getting in over my
head with an unrealistic expectation?
Any empathy, sympathetic advise or words of encouragement would be much appreciated!



Aug 13, 1999
First of all RELAX!!!! If you are riding fairly frequently, you should be fine in a Family Enduro. Even the 85 miles isn't bad but I would suggest getting a bit more physical training wedged into your schedule - mainly to build some strength. I would suggest at least 30 minutes or so of good cardio - running is about the best way to build endurance but I prefer mountain biking (fortunately the trails are within minutes of my office). Anything that builds stamina.

You also need to build your strength, esp for an 85 mile difficult ride. If you have access to weights use them (but get instruction in form to make sure you do it correctly). If that won't work, there is good information in the Muscle & Fitness, Men's Health, Men's Fitness type muscle mags - free to copy at the library! I prefer the men’s mags because they seem to have more strength building info than the women’s mags (Karl says I just prefer the pictures)!

These same mags have some good info on routines that you can do at home without a bunch of expensive equipment. Crunches, pushups, dips, pullups.....are a few strengthening exercises that really build strength with no cost. You don't need real weights - canned goods and milk jugs filled with sand or water or rocks work well to. Most important though - STRETCHING (static, not ballistic and if it feels tight and hurts STOP)!!!!

There are lots of things you can do for working out even with the little one around. Jogging in place or up & down stairs at home if possible can give you a great workout. I've been known to just run around the house in circles when I had to get some exercise but couldn't get rid of the kids. Some of the aerobic videos can kick your butt in your own living room!

Working out at home sets a great example for the kids. They laugh at me and tease me about looking silly running up & down the hill behind the house but they stop laughing when I challenge them to a race and kick their little behinds (sometimes :eek: ).


You have a goal just be creative and get moving! If you need any more ideas, help, specific info or even motivation, feel free to ask away.
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Sep 27, 2001
I Know, I know...


I guess I KNOW what to do, it is actually DOING it that is the problem
(WAH!WAH!WAH!:ugg: ) I guess I can consider carrying around my
22 pounder good arm/back exercise and chasing him around a good
cardio workout, don't you think? But actually, I high tailed it to the gym
yesturday (for a total of one hour and 15 minutes) got in a good workout
and felt great.

You are right, though...I just need to relax, go ride, and ultimately have
fun ( oh yah, and don't get hurt. :eek: )

Thanks for the advice!


Aug 13, 1999
I know what you mean - after a workout of any kind, I feel so good I just can't believe it was so hard just to get started. Then it's time for the next one and it starts all over again.

I know that once I start to see a payoff like noticing that everyday things (packing groceries into the house or lifting my bike off of myself or picking up the rear end of my buried snowmobile by myself) I am even more motivated to workout.

It is never easy and the motivation is the hard part - it helps to read some of the success stories and struggles in the Training/Recovery/...... Forum.

The easiest motivation I have ever found was to have a volleyball coach inches from my face screaming at me to "HIT THE BALL"!!!! I miss those days. :(

Now GET TO WORK - LIFT THAT BABY - AGAIN, AGAIN (oops, don't squish the diaper)!!!!!:scream: ;) :cool:


Sponsoring Member
Jul 3, 2001

I think you'll do just fine. Just go out and have fun and look at it as another ride with a bunch friends. Once the adrenaline kicks "your off to the races".

So where is this enduro at anyway. I might try and make it if work doesn't get in the way again.


Sep 27, 2001
Wild Piglet/Boar Enduro


The Wild Piglet Family Enduro is scheduled for 3/9 at Clear Creek OHV area. The Wild Boar is on 3/10 also at Clear Creek and is much longer
and technical than the "family" version. Go to
for more information about the events. I rode in the Wild Piglet Family
Enduro in 2000 and had a blast so I definately recommend you try to
make it!

THanks for the encouragement!


Chat Mom
Feb 8, 2000
Hey Karna,

I'm pretty sure I'm going to be there with Thumbs. Kali talked me into entering the Wild Piglet.

Everyone keeps telling me the same thing as phirechick. "Just go out and have fun and look at it as another ride with a bunch friends." but I'm still nervous as hell. I've never entered one of these things.

If I'm going to enter it, I'd like to at least try to do it right, so I'll be studying up on how to run an enduro such as timekeeping and stuff.

Hope to see you there! :)


Oct 31, 2000
I guess I'm going now. If GSR can fit it in her schedule I don't have much of an excuse any more.... Just promise you ladies will let me beat you - you know a male ego can't handle losing to a woman or a bunch of woman:p

No, I'm NOT riding sweep on this one;)

Looking forward to seeing every body there.



Chat Mom
Feb 8, 2000
Originally posted by NVR FNSH
No, I'm NOT riding sweep on this one;)
What?! Then who the hell is gonna sweep my ass up off the trail when I crap out after mile 40?! :p pfft!


Sep 27, 2001
Hope to see you there!


The event should be fun. I wouldn't worry too much about the timekeeping thing, just hook up with someone who knows what they are doing and follow closely behind! (Justin will be my timekeeper at this event). Oh, yah, and the six weeks has now turned into 3...I was planning on going to the gym tonight but instead I opted for choice number 2: Polishing off a bottle of wine with Justin. I would recommend this type of training over the gym anytime!

Hopefully see you there! BTW, when are you planning on moving?



Jan 31, 2001
That sounds like fun.. I have to be in Seattle that weekend..pooo!

Please keep me posted of any other "family" enduros you might do... Ive always wanted to try one and it would be fun to ride it with you guys !

Good luck !!


Jan 22, 2002
I was thinking the same thing today....

Hi, Karna!
I was at a gym today and thinking about the same thing.....what excise is more effective to build riding stability. I didn't know about the enduro race at Clear Creek, though.

I usually get on the treadmill or the bicycle machine for at least half an hour, and do the machines for upper body and legs. It helped me a lot for riding in Reno on last weekend. I didn't get tired or sore as much as I used to. I think I rode about 120 miles in Reno for three days. Two weeks ago I also rode 120 miles in Mojave, Sothern California (Jawbone and Spangler Hills) for three days. But I went to work out in the gym three times a week between those rides, so this time in Reno it felt much easier.

Well, I imagine you have an incredibly busy schedule, so please just take it easy. I think 30 mins of jogging in your neighborhood should be good enough.
Karna and GSR, if I can, I will go watch the race and cheer you on!
Good luck!!!

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Jan 22, 2002

I edited the above!
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Jan 22, 2002
Hi, Karna, GSR! I may join you.....for riding.

Buddy is trying to get us (him, his 13 year old son and me) in the Coalinga Enduro on March 9. I was just going to be there as a supporter for you guys... Kali is also telling me to join them. I'm not 100% positive yet. But if you all are going to be there, it sounds like fun. Go out and just have fun, right? I don't have to worry about being strong or riding fast, right?

By the way, GSR, I am still not sure if I accidentally came down that big hill without falling or I rode down so fast because everything was under control....!? Well, I made it anyway!

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CJ Rider

Apr 3, 2000
Oh heck, Mini, you should definitely do it too! ... And then post a good ride report will all the secret tips so I won't be so nervous about my first enduro in April!


Sep 27, 2001

You should DEFINATELY join us at the Piglet! Even if it is your first race you will have a BLAST! Just ride safe (don't ride above your head...but from the looks of it I should be the one that is worried, not you :confused: )

Let me (us) know when you have decided!



Jan 22, 2002
Thanks, Karna!
We are trying to find the way how we can fit in the schedule.
We have Buddy's three kids (13, 10 & 7) on that day, and if three of us (Buddy, me and his 13 year old son) are going to be in the Enduro, we have to make some kind of arrangement for the other two while they are waiting for we are working on it now.
I will let you know if I decide.

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Chat Mom
Feb 8, 2000
Originally posted by FireLily
we have to make some kind of arrangement for the other two while they are waiting for we are working on it now.
It's like I always say, why don't they make kennels for kids?
You have some rope don't you? Just tie em' to the bumper. :p


Jan 22, 2002
GSR, you are FUNNY!
I didn't have enough time to find out your funny personality in Reno, but now I feel that I really have to see you again and find REAL Aimee. Ha!
I could never figure out a lady who is very pretty, tall and rides KTM so fast to go up hills like a man, is actually such a funny person!!!
I'll think about the kennel thing.....Opps, don't tell Buddy, O.K.?


Oct 31, 2000
Originally posted by gospeedracer

:scream: I'm sorry, I thought we met at Reno?

Mini that was TTRguy riding the KTM up those hills. I know it's hard to tell the difference. Just remember GSR is the taller one:p



Chat Mom
Feb 8, 2000
Originally posted by NVR FNSH
Mini that was TTRguy riding the KTM up those hills.
Shhhhh Brian, quit blowin’ my cover! Actually I wasn’t even really at Reno at all. I always just send a stand-in on my bike in my place to make me look good.

I know it's hard to tell the difference. Just remember GSR is the taller one
Awww man, why you gotta go ruin my happy home life?! Don’t you know it doesn’t matter what the doctor's scale says, TTRGuy is ¾ of an inch taller than me. :confused:

Originally posted by TTRGuy
NVRFinish - Brian, you are the best man. Too bad we can't get together more.
I’m bettin’ he’s going to be re-thinkin’ that quote if he sees this. :p


Jan 22, 2002
I don't know who to believe.....

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