Cool pics.
As for boards, if you're just beginning, size is the only thing you'll really notice. After a while you'll be able to tell about other stuff but I'm not really to that point, so I don't know what to tell you. You want one that stands somewhere in between your chin and nose, so don't bother looking for a women's specific board--most only go up to about 149-152, that I have seen. Mine is a K2 155 cm promo model with Coors Light graphics on it. You'd probably need a 159 or so, I'm guessing, but would have to see you holding one up to actually tell. Boots are nice to have comfy ones, but if you can find a discount store like the one I shop at you can find good deals--mine aren't high end but they're decent and I paid $70 or so. $60 apiece for pants and coat too. Pretty good deals, and it's all good equipment, it's just like overstock or last year's models and stuff like that. I'm pretty happy with all but my coat, I want a nicer one.