

Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
Since I won't be DOING it anytime soon, I'd like to find a good BB to hang out on about snowboarding. I haven't found any that seem very active. I'd especially like one with an active women's forum or at least a few active members.

Anybody have any ideas?


Can't Wait For Tuesdays
Mar 17, 2002
Hey FC!!  I just got back from Tahoe with Bratt and Mick, we had a blast but did not do any SnowBoarding.   Mick and Bratt both board, but I'm just looking at getting started!  Tahoe is THE PLACE!  I would love to talk with you about Snowboarding since I want to give it a try. 



Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
Learning is a humbling experience--you will spend your whole first day on your ass. But I love it--and the little mental "click" when I finally started linking turns and going off small jumps made my whole season.

I started in high school and then quit--I couldn't afford lift tickets, etc. while I was in college. I didn't board from the 96-97 season until the 02-03 season except once. And since I never really got it down the first time, it was pretty much like learning all over. If you've skateboarded or wakeboarded that helps, since it's a similar stance and movement while turning.

I love it though, and last season we went riding a TON and I finally started to put a lot of it together. Getting up on my toeside edge was my stumbling block but I can do it a lot better now.

Are you going to go up with us at Reno? Blackhawk is going to try for the first time that Friday.


Can't Wait For Tuesdays
Mar 17, 2002
I won't be getting to Moonrocks til about 4 PM Friday, just in time to drop off my bike and say hello and then get checked in to the Hotel. The good thing is that I keep in touch with Velosapiens regularly and maybe I can coerce him into a free Snoboarding lesson ;)


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
I think I want to go snowboarding worse than I want to go riding right now!

It's right at 0 F and we have 10 or so inches of new snow--in town! There's twice that up at the ski hills. We have 5 hills within 2 hours of town, and Mt. Spokane is only like 30 mins up. Plus more up in Canada, that are only 3 hours away. We haven't had this good of winter weather in at least 10 years--it's been a record year for snow. All but one of the resorts opened at Thanksgiving, which has not happened in a long, long time.

Plus I have relatively new board, pants and bindings that I bought right at the end of last season--they need to see some use!!


Can't Wait For Tuesdays
Mar 17, 2002
I was looking at sales gear but not sure if renting is better than buying on sale or on ebay.   I suspect I should try it out first!!!  And I found out that SnoBoards can be different like Surfboard (longboards, shortboard, etc.) but I don't know how to differentiate at this point.

Speaking of the White Stuff, it snowed three days in a row at Tahoe and skiers and snowboarders were in abundance at Tahoe!  Here's some pics of some dirtbikers in the snow.   ;)



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Can't Wait For Tuesdays
Mar 17, 2002
Bratt/Gina at Tahoe:



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Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
Cool pics.

As for boards, if you're just beginning, size is the only thing you'll really notice. After a while you'll be able to tell about other stuff but I'm not really to that point, so I don't know what to tell you. You want one that stands somewhere in between your chin and nose, so don't bother looking for a women's specific board--most only go up to about 149-152, that I have seen. Mine is a K2 155 cm promo model with Coors Light graphics on it. You'd probably need a 159 or so, I'm guessing, but would have to see you holding one up to actually tell. Boots are nice to have comfy ones, but if you can find a discount store like the one I shop at you can find good deals--mine aren't high end but they're decent and I paid $70 or so. $60 apiece for pants and coat too. Pretty good deals, and it's all good equipment, it's just like overstock or last year's models and stuff like that. I'm pretty happy with all but my coat, I want a nicer one.


Jul 3, 2001
This is my 8th season snowboarding and it is a good one for snow! I've been up about 10 times already this season and expect to go another 30 or so. This year especially rules because I got myself a new board, my old board I had been riding it about 4 years and it was garbage by the time I was through with it. Well here she is; 04 Ride Timeless 161 :aj: :aj:


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Can't Wait For Tuesdays
Mar 17, 2002
Cool Board Kyle!! :thumb:

Sharla, do you have any links for discount board gear?  I concur with being on my ass a lot at first so I was thinking "Moto Pants and Rain gear" I think I will wait til I can board for over 50 yards before I invest in the cool Snoboard gear.  ;)


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
Hmm the place I go is just a local business called Sports Outlet, but there has to be similar businesses online. I think I saw the pants I have for $50 or 60 when I bought my brother a pair yesterday. They had 2 racks of them. They are just a really dark charcoal gray cargo, with leg, butt and front pockets. I intend to waterproof them again but haven't gotten around to it yet. Is that the type of thing you are looking for?

I'll add that to my original request--not only am I looking for a good BB, but also a good resource for discount gear.

Green Horn

aka Chip Carbone
N. Texas SP
Jun 20, 1999
Originally posted by firecracker22
Learning is a humbling experience--you will spend your whole first day on your ass.

You ain't kidding. And if you manage to keep off your butt, then you better plan on a serious face plant. In the few years I boarded, I don't think I ever "went down easy". :) There just isn't such a thing when your feet are locked onto a board.


Pain in da butt
Mar 22, 2002
Mick and I decided to go boarding this Friday. The snow is awesome right now as you can see from the photo's Natty posted.


Dec 24, 2003
Firecracker!!! Check out the local pawn shops down on Sprague.... Double Eagle has a nice selection of used crap that comes in handy!!! Off the boarding thing but I scored a set of Tech 8's for 35 bucks, no scuffs and little used... Watch them though some crap is over priced. I was up at Mt. Spokane this weekend and the snow was fresh and deep. Thanks to the low temps it was super soft and light. Silver was great too. What size of board do you ride? How tall are you? Been riding a 157 for tha last year and it has been great!


Oct 22, 2002

This is the best BB I have been able to find on Snowboarding. Hopefully this is what you're looking for. The layout is a little "old school" but it's all about content IMO and this place seems to have some of the best.

The passion board is pretty active and a great source for inspiration. Pictures, stories and a pretty cool group of regular posters.

The TechTalk and Skills boards are a good place to find answers to any questions. A very helpful knowledge base of posters.
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Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
Well I'm not really looking for used, depending on what it is. The high dollar things I already have, and the other stuff like a new coat and possibly boots/bindings next year, I'd rather buy new because I want something very specific. I want boots with the Boa system, and those new Flow bindings.

I'm 5'7" and ride a 155, and as far as i can tell it's pretty nice.


Dec 24, 2003
Sweet. Just letting you know. I don't do the used thing very well anyway. Just thought I would pass it along because I find like new stuff some times for real cheap at the pawn shops. What kind of board? I ride a Ride Serum that I really enjoy. What kind of riding do you do? Terrain, all mountain or OB?


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
Hahahaha I just try to find a way down the hill without embarrassing myself. I guess you could say all mountain or something.

As for used, I'm not against it, I just already have the things I'd be willing to buy used. I got my wakeboard used at Pawn 1 last summer, and the bindings at Sports Outlet.
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