sqealing noise from...clutch?


Oct 3, 2001
I just got my bike back together over the weekend from it's freshening up. I haven't ridden it yet as I only had time to do one warm-up cool-down cycle on the engine. While the bike was warming up, a few times the bike made a squealing sound and the bike seemed to want to lurch forward slightly (not really enough to move the bike, just enough to feel.) The sound only lasted for a second (give or take) each time and it only happened a four or five times and was very intermittent. To my memory, the bike has made this sound at times in the past, but the bike has also never given any problems. Now my question: have any of you ever experienced this? It is my thight that it is coming from the clutch (original). Possibly the plates sticking together after being in storage all winter and then breaking loose? Any input is greatly appreciated.


Oct 14, 1999
If they WERE stuck, they would have to become UNstuck in order for the symptom to be intermittent sticking...right?

Point is, once loose, how are they going to stick again while the bike is running? Maybe some plate hangup during engage/disengage due to a worn basket..but just sitting there running, I wouldn't think so.

Kawi clutches are pretty noisy anyway. I wouldn't worry about it unless there was some performance impairment.

When you change the oil, put in most (if not all) of the quart. NOT the '700 ml' specified. That will make it quiet down a bit. That's a pretty much known issue..you probably already do it.


Oct 3, 2001
Thanks for the input.
Point is, once loose, how are they going to stick again while the bike is running?
That's not exactly what I meant to imply; I was thinking more along the lines of all the plates being stuck and each one making noise as it came loose. Granted, this probably isn't very likely.
Kawi clutches are pretty noisy anyway.
Yeah, the normal noise is there too, but the sound I'm describing is definately NOT the normal sound. It is more of a loud rattly squeal (much louder than than any normal noises the bike makes). Also, I'm not guaranteeing it is coming from the clutch, that was just my initial impression; it never lasted long enough to pinpoint the location.
The sound began a few minutes after I started the bike (the engine was getting warm), and seemed to go away shortly thereafter-that part I'm not sure about because the bike hasn't been run for very long.
When the motor was apart, I pulled the ignition cover: no noticable play or problems with the crank bearings from the ignition side. I haven't had the clutch cover off for inspection, mainly because it has never been necessary-it may become necessary soon though...225 on stock "weak" '95 clutch. Any other possible noise sources you can think of?
I'm not really worried about it, since it has made the noise before without causing problems (to my knowledge); it just seems wiered that only my bike would do it. I'll let you know what happens after next weekend when I go home again, finish breaking in the motor, and get some riding time...also I'll have riding impressions of the 225 motor.
More input anyone?
Regards, Lutz


Mar 1, 2002
I had to clean some water out of my clutch case one time...cough cough... Without opening the case I just drained the oil and then cleansed it out by putting some kerosene in it to dry the water. Once I oiled it back up and started it though there was a terrible screeching sound once the bike had warmed up after a couple of minutes. I would shut the bike down and let it sit for a few minutes but when I tried it again the same thing would happen. Just taking a guess I filled the clutch case up to the top with oil and leaned the bike over to make sure the disks were submerged and let it set for a day or so. Drained and filled to level and never a problem again. I think it just had something to do with the oil getting stripped from the plates and not getting lubed enough from the regular oil level at first.

BTW I watched the GNCC at Loretta Lynns Ranch this weekend, it was the first bike race I've been to........Pretty cool, those guys could put you in your place in a hurry.


dirtbike riding roadracer
Mar 28, 2001
the kick start idle gear sits high in the case and has a washer on both sides along with a fairly tight clearance, when the bike sits the oil drains out of the idle gear and its make a dry nasty kinda seizeing noise as it spins, it takes a little while for oil to get kicked up to the gear to lube it up and quiet it down a bit. I have seen some that are so tight that in race conditions they will sieze up. Without starting a oil fight the few idle gears that I have see locked up all had one thing in common with each other - they were using atf in the gear box.


Oct 3, 2001
Thanks for the info guys. It's good to know that it is possible for my bike to make that sound and the source not be something major and/or permanent. One more note that I forgot to mention before: if my memory serves me correctly, each time it happened, the noise got less severe and the "lurch" wasn't as noticable. But maybe that's just wishful "remembering." Anyway, that would fit the description of "x" part needing oil and not getting it until the engine had run for a while.


Mar 30, 2005
Squealing Clutch?

I just dug up this post while researching this exact problem on my '95 kdx 200. If Lutz is still out there, did you ever find out what the problem was? Any feedback from anyone else would also be greatly appreciated. The noise on my bike started immediately after my first oil change (I bought the bike used). I have used both standard 10-W40 and a semi-synthetic 10-W40. It doesn't cause any performance problems- I just don't want it to progress to a serious issue.


Oct 3, 2001
Yeah, I'm still around. :nod:

Long story short...no, I never found out what was causing the noise and lurching. ...But I also never experienced it again. Like I said before, the problem went away soon after startup and before I ever put much, if any, ride time on the bike. I've been running the bike two years since then, and have experienced no real problems. I still haven't had the clutch cover off, and the stock clutch is still holding strong, even with the added power of the 225 big bore. There hasn't been anything in the oil to be very alarmed about, and no other indications of a problem, so I've just left it alone.

All this is about to change though...I AM FINALLY going to do a complete tear down and rebuild of the engine and transmission this spring. (Note this is the first time anything will have been done to the motor, other than the top end, which I did once on a whim and ended up with a big bore kit. That's after eight years of not low hour, not easy riding. Not that I'm normally lax on maintenance...but dang these KDX motors are TOUGH!)

If anything weird shows up when I tear into it, I'll be sure to spread the word.


Mar 30, 2005
I figured out what the cause of the squealing/lurching was... not enough transmission oil. On a whim I added an extra 150cc of oil this afternoon and problem solved. :laugh: Funny how the obvious isn't alway so obvious.


Mar 29, 2005
Lutz and reedster and cnyncrvr and sage:
The following is a post I put in the cr/kx/rm/yz 2-stroke forum and nobody has given me any insight on it yet -----

"Clutch problems?????
OK guys I really need your help. Yesterday I finally got to ride my 2002 KX125a bit harder than since I have bought it. After doing a piston break-in, I started to get a grinding sort of noise when I pulled in the clutch and started to go from a stop in first gear. No noises while idling or revving in neutral, though. Only when taking off while letting the lever out to go from a stop in first. It even got to the point that If I slipped the clutch a little too much and didn't get going fast enough, it would make the noises and seemed like it wouldn't release completely by pulling in the lever and actually stalled the engine!!! So, I took the clutch apart tonight, and.....everything looks brand new !! No chatter grooves on nthe basket that I could feel with my finger tip or anything. No chafe marks on the any of the plates, plates not worn down, no burn marks. So I am baffled!!! Maybe the springs are worn?? Does anyone know the free length for the springs on a 2002 kx125?? Also, in the owners manual it said to use a 10-40wt motorcycle motor oil, so I have been using castrol actevo 10-40wt oil for my last couple of rides. Is this oil not good for the clutch?? Please help !! "

I have been using only 700cc of oil. Do you think that the problems you guys had are similar and that I should add more oil?? Should I try a different oil. Castrol actevo is a four stroke motorcycle oil.


Jul 31, 2003
I had the same squealing noise happen to me last year on my 03 kdx 220. My son was riding the 220 and about 15 miles into the ride he tells me the transmission is squealing and the kick starter is twitching. I took it for a ride and other than the noise it was performing fine. I changed the oil when we got home and have not heard the noise since. I had just changed the oil the day before we rode and maybe I shorted it a little. I now put in a whole quart and have not heard the noise since.
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