My brother had his 2001 Yamaha Banshee stolen from our home on Tuesday night. He made up a flyer with a picture on it offering a reward. He took the flyer to Staples and had 500 copies made. He and his friends then rode around putting the flyers up in as many places as they could. (Riding spots, parts shops, all night stores, skating rinks and even the high schools). They also taped the flyes in the windows of their cars and trucks to get as much exposure as possibe. I believe it cost him less than $25 for all the copies, and hopefully someone will see the flyer and call with information that wil get the bike back. He didn't have insurance either and had only just made the second payment on the quad. He still owes over $5000 on a bike someone else is now enjoying. We haven't heard anything yet, but hopefully we will soon.
Good luck. I really hope you get your bikes back. Try the flyers, someone out there knows or has heard of someone getting a bike recently. The reward is sometimes enough incentive for someone to pick up the phone and make the cal.