GarbatyA4 said:
Hello All,
So we couldn't figure out why it was so easy to kick it over (i could start the bike with my hand :yikes: )
You can start it with your hand?
Sometimes I wish my bike would have that problem......
Other than being really easy to kick over, is there any other signs of a problem? How does the bike run?
Normally when you have a head gasket leak you get a lot of exhaust gases leaking into the cooling system. When you shut off and the engine cools down it can sometimes draw water into the cylinder that can cause problems the next time you start but the more obvious symptom is that the pressure builds up in the cooling system and the radiator starts puking water.
If you are not having a cooling system problem (no overheating, no puking, no unexplained loss of coolant) then I doubt that you are having a head gasket issue.
Since you have it apart I would go ahead and put a new ring in it and obviously you would use new gaskets. My recommendation would be to run a compression test and a leak down test once you get it back together so if nothing else you have benchmark to compare against later.