Summer Recap


Jun 27, 2002
Hello all, I know its been awhile since I've posted on here but I just thought I would let you all know that I'm alive and kicking and the DRZ is still hanging in there ( kinda :silly: )
The last ride I went on was this Saturday and me and the family had a great time. Dad rides a 250 ttr and same with the bro, and now we have an intruder in the garage. My Ma just got a 200 Yammy Blaster. Yes it has 4 wheels, but what can ya do. The ride started out good if not a bit slow as it was the only the second time my mom had ridden the blaster but she was doing good.
It turns out that the trail we normally ride on has been turned into quite the logging road so I got to experiment a bit more then I was able to before and had a good time practicing my wheelies from a slow ride and releasing the clutch.
Nothing really eventful happened on the ride until we were about 10 mins from home. Me and my bro decided to be nice and ride ahead of my mom (and dad who was dutifully following her) and clean up a pile of logs that was coming up. So we get up there and start to pick up the logs. Then ma comes in, rear ends my bike, knocks it over, it falls straight over and snaps the clutch perch right off!! :eek:
So I was thinking, the hell am I going to get home now with no clucth, and with a particularly pain in the ass section of trail coming up. Well a zip-tie from my bros ttr later and a little rubber clamp thing my dad had in his tool kit and I had a functioning clutch (as long as i didnt let go of it because it would flop over and be useless). Needless to say I finally made it home and need to get a new clutch lever/perch thingy.
And for laughs here is a complete summer wrap up of incidents this summer:

Trips over the handle bars:
4 (one with a complete flip and landing on a rock with bike following)

Broken brake/clutch levers:
3 (including the most recent and a current lever that got turned into a stubby and is still on my bike and is staying that way)

Set of Bent handle bars:

Times the DRZ fell over "on itself"
to many to count.

Times the DRZ fell over with my helmet on the handle bars and the gas cover off and the gas proceeding to empy INTO my helmet:

Major injuries and/or bike problems:
NONE! (most proud of this one)

The first season of this great sport has been wonderful to me. It sure is more then I expected and am looking forward to many more years of riding enjoyment.
I guess thats all for now, LATER! :aj:


A General PITA.
Apr 21, 2002

:eek: Not with me your not! :) :thumb:

Where in Maine are ya? It sounds strangely like the Forks area near Hardscrabble. We built a camp up there in the Enchanted townships. Oh and watch out for those moose!


Jun 27, 2002
We aren't that far north IrishEKU. I don't know if you know where Sebago lake is but we ride from my parents in Sebago. We have a ton of snow mobile trails in the area as we are in the middle of the woods :confused:


A General PITA.
Apr 21, 2002
I know the Sebago area well. I grew up in the Bath- Brunswick area. I did alot of my riding in and around the Woolwich area. When I get to my folks house for X-mass(in Alton, NH now) I'm going to hit the ITS pretty hard. Da just picked up or is about to a couple of "Sleds". I don't know if it's still there but Hardscrabble had a lodge that was only open and accessable during the winter. Great stop on the way to Canada.


Jun 27, 2002
Ya my folks live right off ITS 89. It's about 50 feet behind their house :)
We only ride a short distance on that as a one direction is "closed" to anything but snowmobiles.
We mostly ride on the Narrow Gauge trail from that heads up to the Bridgton(sp?) area and the side trails off of that and I believe ITS 89 is a part of that well.
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