Pat, This is Little Jeff here, went riding today at Tahuya, a little wet, but not to bad. Went on a nice ride with Fishhead today, a lot of new single track I never knew existed. Can't wait til you can start riding again. I like to have lots of riding buddies, not to fun riding alone. I tried to contact Ron with no luck though. I know the way to the cemetary now up in Wilkeson, we'll have to go check it out when you start riding again.
Little Jeff
Hey, i'd like to meet up for a Tahuya trail ride one of these weekends. Just wondering at what 'level' you guys ride at. I'd hate to show up and get left in the dust. I'm pretty much a beginner but since I mountain bike a lot it kinda crosses over. I just recently got my bike out of storage and running. Hoping to do a lot more riding this year than last.
They're all maniacs. Barn storming hell on wheels IMO :p
Just kidding, really. Most everyone you see here rides a pretty comfortable pace. I should be back on wheels in about a month (just got off crutches :yeehaw: ), I'll be the slowest guy around for quite awhile, and me and the boy are always open for company. :thumb:
Come on out! No need to worry about speed. There's a wide variety of skills on here. I have no problems riding with a beginner (even teaching). Just as long as they're not complaining. I'm sure most others here feel pretty much the same way.
I'll put up with slight to moderate complaining. No glove and helmet throwing though unless you want to throw them my way and then you might not get them back.
A former riding partner had the habit of throwing tantrums and happily he sold his bike and moved out of state. In fact he was the guy that convinced me that I should get back on bikes. Funny thing is that I kinda miss his antics. The funniest time was when he pancaked his KX250 in a puddle up at Evans Creek on the mainline and the only thing sticking above water was the left grip and he was flat on his butt in goo that was the consistency of wet concrete. That guy had no sense of humor. :laugh: He thought we were cruel and sadistic for riding rooty rocky singletrack when the truth was that we are just to chicken to fly the bikes into headons. He convinced himself that he needed to stiffen up his suspension to ride the rooty rock stuff and you can imagine the results. :eek:
Cool...thanks for the replies. I'll come on out and join y'all one of these times ... hopefully sooner than later. I'll stay tuned to the forum to see what's up.