Take a Look.


A General PITA.
Apr 21, 2002
As a service member I salute the gentleman that was able to stand for the colors of this great nation. As a member of the military I salute when the colors are presented. As a citizen, you should stand and cover your heart with your right hand. If wearing a head cover(Male) it should be removed and placed over your heart, women may wear their covers bur cover their heart with their right hand. For children it is appropriate to salute if your parent(s) were in the military to salute as JFK jr. did in his famous photo or just place their hands over their hearts.

Folks, patriotism is a thing of the heart. You either feel it or don't. For those that don't shame on you, for those that do, here is a big applause from a serving member of the military that protect your way of life.



Feb 9, 2000

Well said Phillip

The freedoms you fight to defend, include those rights to be an absolute putz if you so do choose.

I salute you :thumb:

Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999
Originally posted by BunduBasher
The freedoms you fight to defend, include those rights to be an absolute putz if you so do choose.

Lucky for you, EHH Milqy?? ;)


Sep 20, 2001
Originally posted by IrishEKU
If wearing a head cover (Male) it should be removed and placed over your heart
This one also chaps my ass way too often!


Feb 9, 2000
Originally posted by Okie
That's EXACTLY what I'm talking about. Is Ignorance an excuse for breaking the law? Nope.

There is no excuse for ignorance of the law !!!!

Ignorance of social etiquette ... no punishable crime that I know of ? :ugg:

Deliberate ignorance of social etiquette .... still no crime ...... ! :think:

Maddening eh !!? :| :(

Before anyone gets too carried away, this a very good thread, and as TTR-guy pointed out, we all need the edumucation. Just don't let your emotions get the better of you.
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Fire Marshall Ed
Feb 9, 2000
Originally posted by BunduBasher
and as TTR-guy pointed out, we all need the edumucation. Just don't let your emotions get the better of you.

I don't think I said we ALL need the education Bundu......

Anyone care to quote what I said later in the post... I think it was something about the door hitting some people in the ass sumthing sumthing :thumb:


Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
What would have been even more appropriate, the color guard turning and stopping in front of this Patriot and stopping the whole damned parade for all to see his deep respect and pride. I have and will continue to be a PITA to people that show a lack of respect for Stars and Stripes. I will also put a well placed boot in the back side of someone for not being reverent during the national anthem. Many forms of idiocy are protected by our Constitution including disrespect but ......just go ahead and nuke this!!!!


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
It's a good discussion. I think it also shows how the large percentage of DRN folks feel about this issue and by and large it seems most are patriotic and respectful. I can totally understand somebody that was raised in another country not knowing the proper behavior and hope they would at least stand if not compelled to honor the colors. BB has explained his view from being a somewhat outsider and I can appriciate it. MilqT I can hear your opinion but I will still be kicking the back of your seat. :)


Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
If someone comes in my house and calls my father an old fart b/c he has trouble getting out of the chair or moves a little slow I'm gonna kick their ass till the cows come home.

When someone doesn't stand up for soldiers and give them respect for the sacrifice they made they deserve the same IMO. It is the same type of respect whether it be my house or my country.

I'm very tired of the apathy.

I will defend everyone's right to be an ******* and be disrespectful but I also defend everyone elses right to tell those disrespectful assholes where they can go.

My family has a history of serving in the military and I respect the sacrifices they have made (and if you saw the scars on my father you would understand a small fraction of sacrifice... if you know anything about the 10th Mountain Division and what they did in WWII you would understand my Grandfather's sacrifice).

For me, I will always stand. I will always put my hand over my heart. I one day hope that I am HONORED enough to receive the flag, uniform and medals from my Grandfather and father.

For me, the disrespect and apathy is EXACTLY leading to the end of the world. Look at history and what happened in other civilizations. We are no better than they were intellectually no matter how much our technology has improved. To think otherwise is egotistical and stupid.

We are repeating the same mistakes b/c we have forgotten what sacrifice is really made and we forgot to respect those that have sacrificed for us. Look at the countries that are not doing the same... they are starting to kick our ass in the marketplace. We are at a severe disadvantage right now and it is b/c we have become a lazy, egocentric society full of those who think they are entitled to the same things as those that have actually earned it!



Feb 9, 2000
Originally posted by TTRGuy
I'll continue to hold my belief that anyone who doesn't like it here or doesn't want to respect this country and what it stands for can leave and not let the door hit them in the behind on the way out.

I would think and hope that what this country stands for, foremost and most importantly, is its constitution. Which fortunately (and unfortunately),allows us all to be different, and behave differently from each other. This is bad, this is good, this is America ...... land that I love !

TTR-Guy what makes this country so great, is that we can be free to express our thoughts, differences, ideals, beliefs etc, and not be persecuted, censored, harassed or killed. We definitely could not have this discourse in places like Saudi Arabia.
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Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999

Just remember that as much rights it gives to those who want to say whatever stupid thing they want it also gives the same rights to the rest of us to say how stupid a person is being!

For some reason, in todays society the latter part is not being allowed as much as the former.

If someone says they are allowed to wear the flag as a diaper in an effort to express themselves I will support it. Just as I expected to be supported when I call them an f'n moron or wear a shirt with their face on it and a dog taking a dump on the nose!



Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
Ok, I'm from podunck Oklahoma and I have only attended 1 event that played another nations National Anthem but I did show respect and revence. It was not asked of me to do so but it was appropriate IMO. :think:
I would have loved to have witnessed this Patriot standing with much effort and possible pain. I would have undoubtly made acquaintance with him and offered my help to him if he so needed it. I salute this Patriot and give the old Calvin whizzing thing to those too lazy to stand during the presentation of colors.
On a side note, in April I traveled to KC and then to St. Louis for the SX(my first) and got cholked up during the presenting of colors. I was seated with a great group of DRN'rs and thought I was going to break my own hands applauding the Policeman and Fireman introduced that were from NYC. I can agree to disagree but disrespect my colors and be prepared for what comes your way!

Big Tuna

Nov 29, 2000
Hats off to the fella in the wheel-chair. :thumb:
It's all about respect, if you don't get that chill down your spine when you feel that sense of pride in your country, and your just stand'n cause everyone else is, then you might as well just stay sitting down cause your doing it for the wrong reasons. :|
One inccedent of blatant lack of respect that still stands out in my mind over the years, was when a car load of (other nationality) was driving up and down the street waving their countries flag on Canada day. In my opinion, you can fly that thing on any other day of the year, but show some respect for the country that allows you the freedoms that you presently enjoy on "its day" of celebration, or, like was said before kiss my a55, and get the h311 out of my sandbox!

Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999
I think this really might be simpler than all this.

We are guests in Okie's little cyber-house. Milq goes out of his way to be a flaming PITA house guest when ever an opportunity presents itself. He knows that there are lots of former and current military folks out here and he'll get maximum bang for his rabble-rouser buck if he plays PC devil's advocate in a thread like this.

Personally I think Bob is much too tolerant a host. I would have told you to KISS MY ASS and get out of my house LONG AGO. Kudos to Bob for showing saint-like restraint in the face of your never ending behind the scenes barrage of groundless overbearing PC CRAP.

One of the freedoms we hold most dear is the freedom to associate with who we want in a private club like DRN. I'll go to sleep tonight clinging to the hope that Bob excercises his freedom to no longer associate with you. :thumb:
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Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002
I think Ivan ties the bow.

The problem is that there are a great number of unprejudiced whiners willing to tell us that we are not sensitive enough and accepting of the views of others. That's great but it is a damn shame when the same courtesy is not extended by them to us.

America was founded by people willing to shed their blood for the dream of freedom. America has been protected by many people willing to shed their blood to protect the freedoms that we enjoy. To not respect the sacrifices of those that preceded us and those that have paid the ultimate cost is to p*** on their graves.

I can understand that there are those among us ignorant of the etiquette of this wonderful country. To those here by choice, I say observe and learn. To those whose birthright is America, I say SHOW YOUR RESPECT or leave.

I do not remember a single occasion that tears have not come to my eyes during the singing of our National Anthem or the reciting of our Pledge of Allegiance.

I am proud to say that I am an American.
I will gladly protect your right to constructively disagree.
I will succinctly kick your ass if your criticism is not constructive.

Sorry, but IMHO, if you are not willing to contribute by making America better, don’t waste your or my time trying to convince me that the last 50 years of tolerance has made us better. We were, and continue to be, the most tolerant nation on the face of this Earth. We are the economic engine that puts food in the mouths of the world. Freedom and Capitalism are the only two ideals that will bring prosperity to the masses .... Don’t decry us success, emulate our success!

Any government that robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul
Ayn Rand

BTW - “Who is John Galt?” I will not surrender America to the James Taggarts of the modern world.



A General PITA.
Apr 21, 2002
If "Bob" Is Okie Then he gets a salute and a heart fealt "Thanks" for this site!

As for you all who are not military members, I ask you to remember those that have fought and died for our freedoms(SP) today. I should hope that I never need to remind those of the community that have the privalige(SP) of wearing the little blue ribbon with 5 stars. People that is the Medal Of Honor. If you ever see that Ribbon please salute or cover your Heart. That person, wheather you know it or not devoted or endangered his or her life(now) to keeping you safe. I may be a member of the armed services, but I could only hope to be as brave as those are.



Oct 30, 2001
This thread reminds me of a similar incident that happened to me a few years back. I was at the AMA Vintage Motorcycle Days event at a racetrack in Ohio (awesome event). We rented a golf cart to get around the place, and were just cruising through the swap-meet area when the National Anthem began over the PA system. This cart was gas powered and pretty noisy, so I didn't hear the beginning of the song. Some dude who looked like he thinks it's still 1972, but hadn't bathed since, screamed "stop that thing!" at me. I stopped cuz I figured I must have run over his dog or something, and then heard the anthem. Realizing my mistake, and that the guy did the right thing, I gave him a courtesy wave when the song ended.

I'll bet that the first thing he did was get on his CB radio or whatever and complain to someone about the downfall of society, people's lack of respect, etc. BUT, it was just a mistake. It happens.

Now I bet there are some people thinking that this story is not real, and I made it up to prove a point. I don't blame you, I'd probably think the same thing, but that's how it happened.

[And Rich, if you disagree with my opinion, then fine. But I don't do what you are accusing me of. If Okie wants to write me a check, then I'll never post here again. I'll expect to see it as quickly as I got my DRN shirt and hat (never)]
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Sponsoring Member
Jan 1, 2001
Originally posted by Milquetoast
C'mon, those people were there and being patriotic, good citizens, etc.

How can ya tell they are patriotic, cause they are sitting on a curb watching a parade? I dont think so. I go to a parade once a year or so, But I dont go because Im patriotic. I go cause they are entertaining. Around these parts when the flag comes by, everyone stands and applauses. :thumb:

Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999
Originally posted by Milquetoast
[And Rich, if you disagree with my opinion, then fine. But I don't do what you are accusing me of.

You don't even have the stones to cop to your BS. :silly:

Milq - My issue isn't about your views, which are none of my business really. What is my business is your seemingly endless quest to cause trouble around here and using your "views" as a catalyst knowingly full well it hits peoples hot buttons. When you force feed us your views with your never ending bitching you force us to make it our business.
I'm sure we can take up a collection in this thread alone to raise enough money to return your support fees, if it means we won't be subjected to the PC whaammbuilance any longer.
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Sponsoring Member
Jan 1, 2001
Originally posted by Milquetoast
I stopped cuz I figured I must have run over his dog or something, and then heard the anthem. Realizing my mistake, and that the guy did the right thing, I gave him a courtesy wave when the song ended.
I notice you didnt mention anything about getting out of the cart, standing, and facing the flag. but then again, I dought that happened :think:


Oct 30, 2001
I actually don't remember if I got out and stood, but I think we changed drivers at the time so maybe so, maybe not.

I don't care about the money Rich, you have missed the point as usual.


Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
Originally posted by Milquetoast
If Okie wants to write me a check, then I'll never post here again. I'll expect to see it as quickly as I got my DRN shirt and hat (never)

Send me a valid e-mail addy for pay pal.

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