Take a Look.

Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999
Originally posted by Milquetoast
I don't care about the money Rich, you have missed the point as usual.

Hardly. It was clear you just wanted to take a shot at Okie/Bob. It's consistent with your usual weasely behaviour. You are nothing if not consistent.


Oct 30, 2001
I sent my paypal email, this is my last post on DRN. Thanks to all the supportive folks who have contacted me in the past! Adios everyone!


A General PITA.
Apr 21, 2002
Originally posted by Rich Rohrich

Hardly. It was clear you just wanted to take a shot at Okie/Bob. It's consistent with your usual weasely behaviour. You are nothing if not consistent.


He also wanted to start a flame, Tottaly(SP) Unappropriate for this area....

To those that want to flame.....Or scorn this thread.......You scorn any member of the armed service and therefore scorn your country.


Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999
Originally posted by Milquetoast
this is my last post on DRN

:yeehaw: :yeehaw: :yeehaw: :yeehaw:

The banana dude says good riddance, and I concur.


A General PITA.
Apr 21, 2002
If this is trully your last post, I can't say I am sorry to see you go. You are nothing but derogatory and condicending to other members on here.


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Generally people that bring money up as an issue ARE concerned about it or they would not have brought it up in the first place.

If your gone by your own choice I fail to understand how you would expect to see any kind of refund at best if somebody felt sorry for you (as you would like I am sure) they should at least deduct an anual membership cost putting them out a whopping $70. Well somebody let me know if a buyout is going to occur and I'll throw in $70 as it would be money well spent. Looks like we'll have to put the Whaaaaaaaambulance up on blocks as it won't be getting nearly as much use.

Oh and Milq :moon: :moon: :moon:
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Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
oops! :scream:
:cool: :thumb: :yeehaw:


Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN
Originally posted by Milquetoast
.... I understand this flame Lou, but there's alot worse than that going on.
Boy, Milquetoast, did you ever say a mouthful there. There is absolutely alot worse going on and it completely makes me sick.
But I won't do it. I want so damn bad it isn't funny....but no matter how bad I want to, I won't.

God Bless our Country and all the good folks in the world. To hell with the rest.


A General PITA.
Apr 21, 2002
PATMAM, BSWIFT, I hope to have the $ you want soon, but as a certain member of ours stated .


Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
But Okie forgot to say, "Buh bye!":think:


Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
LMAO! When I saw you replied, I KNEW what it was going to say. :worship:


Aug 4, 2000
Originally posted by Milquetoast
Patman, maybe they forgot, maybe they never learned it. It's not the end of the world.

This is just too far out there. :flame: :flame: :flame:

Everyone knows you stand for the national anthem, and everyone damn well ought to know that you stand as the flag passes in a parade.

Anyone here that didn't know that now does. Teach your kids.

Thank you Lou for posting the picture and educating a few folks.

Anyone that has never been to Fort McHenry and seen the film about the Star Spangled Banner just may have a hard time understanding why this ex-Air Force captain gets a bit misty when the Flag of The United States of America is hoisted. :whiner:


Aug 4, 2000
I didn't make it to the second page before I had to post. Guess he'll never see it, but that's good too. :)


Wow. I'm not sure what, if anything, I should say. 56 new posts this evening while I was gone. I was at the races, BTW, I wasn't ignoring this thread.

I think I need to digest all this some more before I say anything. It'll be tomorrow before I do.

I appreciate everyone's viewpoints on this, whether I agree with them or not. Even milq's. I didn't realize that he was that much of a PITA, but I suspected he was the one who called for the removal of Brian's "Message From a Marine" post. *shrug*

70 marlin

Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 15, 2000
I am still getting used to standing at sports games for the national anthem (this was something we never did at home - the anthem was saved for national events)
some of you newbie's to this country might want to let the ink dry on your green card, or go back and relearn citizenship. before you start bad mouthing some of those who have paid there due's! in the good old USA you learn at a early age to respect the flag! of coarse most of you newbie's want the cream! so why pay for the cow!~ :moon: :moon:
and oow ya I've paid 30yrs of tax's in the good old usa have you!
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Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002
The weird irony is the choice of his screen name. To choose Milquetoast is to leave the impression that belies the reality.

BTW 70 marlin - I understand your frustration with people here by choice, but we really need to get our own act together first. It is difficult to expect respect from others while we are disrespectful of the values of our country ourselves. Fact of matter, according to some teachers I know the vast majority of our young are out of control because we have spent so much time pandering to their whining.

America is a wonderful and dynamic country and I, for one, would never deny someone the opportunity to contribute to this country. There are way too many people sitting on the sidelines whining with their hand out that can claim America as a birthright, while refugees from other countries have come here, embraced the American dream and have realized success beyond their wildest dreams. The American dream is alive and well. IMHO we as a country have just lost track of the fact that no one respects things that are given to them. They only respect things that they earn.

Thanks all for the wonderful comments in this thread :thumb:


Sponsoring Member
May 1, 2002
Responding to President Bush's admonition to "Be Ready," sailors spell out their response on the flight deck of the USS Abraham Lincoln in an undisclosed location Wednesday, Sept. 11, 2002, as the carrier and her Battle Group report on station to support Operation Enduring Freedom .

You have to STAND UP for the people who STAND UP for you! God Bless our men and women in the military! God Bless America! And God Bless DirtRider.Net! Thanks, Okie! I knew I was gonna like it here! :thumb:

PS to Milq,
Here's a clue; "He who knows nothing is nearer to the truth than he whose mind is filled with falsehoods and errors." ~Thomas Jefferson
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I think Tony has some well-stated views on all of this. I will just defer to his last post, as it sums up nicely anything that I could add to this thread at this point.

One interesting irony: I use the phrase "I am milktoast to the idea" quite often. I looked it up one day to verify its meaning of being without strong opinion one way or the other. So, I agree that his choice of screen name was somewhat strange.


Feb 9, 2000

Do you even bother to read or understand what I am saying !!!! - we never denigrated our national anthem by playing it at an inconsequential sports events. The anthem was dear to our hearts, and was saved for national or international events. Getting used to means, 'unsure', about having the anthem played at a dang minor league hockey game etc - I see no place for it here, but that's my opinion, however this is how things are done here, so this is what I have to accept and get used to - clear enough now.

Marlin, we probably all need to learn what citizenship is all about.

And yes, even though I am not a citizen, when I hear the national anthem, see a soldier parade by, I get a stirring in my heart, and am very proud to be a part of America.

Thank you to those for the constructive criticism, and encouragement, it is greatly appreciated.

As to booting Milque, shame on you, yeah, he chose to leave, can't imagine why. Read this thread from the beginning, nothing what he says is untrue or provocative. Some of you just can't accept a different opinion. Things were going really well until it became a slanging match, a personal attack. He came across as pretty restrained.

What a brotherhood we are, I'm ashamed :(
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Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999
Originally posted by BunduBasher
As to booting Milque, shame on you, yeah, he chose to leave, can't imagine why. Read this thread from the beginning, nothing what he says is untrue or provocative. Some of you just can't accept a different opinion.

To paraphrase you Allan, did you bother to read and understand that the core issue with Milq is not about this thread? Since day one on DRN (under a different screen name) he has gone out of his way to look for contrary stances that he can take to ruffle feathers and cause trouble. The more controversial the better. He has mentioned on occasion how much he enjoys watching the blow back from that behaviour. Most of the DRN members never see his most annoying work because it was done behind the scenes, bitching in PMs and e-mails.

This thread was a perfect example. It's obvious to anyone who has been here for any length of time that patriotism is really important to a lot of folks on DRN. This week people are especially sensitive. Knowing that, most people even if they felt the way Milq did would just leave it alone, and let folks vent. A little harmless venting in a closed room can do wonders for people. But in his usual fashion Milq jumps in with full knowledge that it will serve no other purpose than to get under people's skin. This isn't a which is better Red or Yellow discussion, this is core values stuff that is pretty important to a lot of people here (dare I say the majority?). A decent human would have enough respect to just leave it alone when they are sitting in someone elses house. But not him.

From past experience with Milq this "picking at scabs" act is clearly one he relishes. So before anyone makes a martyr out of this guy you might want to look beyond this thread and get ALL the facts.

He's gone because he is an annoying jackass not because he failed some patriotism exam. Before you choose to be ashamed, you might want to make sure you are adequately informed. :thumb:
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Feb 9, 2000
I've PM'd Milque a few times, seems a decent guy, controversial and over the top too. Still has a lot to learn though.

I fully understand that the issue with Milque is not about this thread, you and others have chosen to see his response here as something provocative, however the whole thread and its purpose was to provoke, stimulate some discussion, get us thinking.

It's obvious to anyone who has been here for any length of time that patriotism is really important to a lot of folks on DRN. This week people are especially sensitive.
Which is just the point of the poster, isn't it, who defines Patriotism ! are these people any less patriotic than yourself, or Milque, who's to say ? What it does say, is that here is one old guy, who is extremely proud to be an American, and we should learn from that example.

So before anyone makes a martyr out of this guy you might want to look beyond this thread and get ALL the facts.
I don't think anyone wants to do this, let the facts speak for themselves. This thread was never about Milque or his comments until it was made so.

What I have learned from 911, and what has resulted there from, is that United we stand, divided we fall

Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999
Originally posted by BunduBasher
I don't think anyone wants to do this, let the facts speak for themselves. [/B]

As for making him a martyr when you say things like:
Originally posted by BunduBasher
As to booting Milque, shame on you,


What a brotherhood we are, I'm ashamed :(

it's difficult for me at least to see it any other way. FWIW, I don't personally think his specific words were all that provacative, it's the implied intent that seems to be the problem. While a case can certainly be made that it's difficult to determine intent from a handfull of words, past expereince with him seems to point to a underlying intent in a good portion of his posts.

In the end it's a judgement call, and I'm thrilled that it turned out the way it did. One less consistently off-topic poster is a good thing.
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