Taraker and his ability to back up his smack.. for all to enjoy


Sprayin tha game
N. Texas SP
Oct 27, 2000
taraker said:
Rain or shine I plan on being there and whoopin Looney like a red headed step child. Look for C111 blastin past an ole clapped out Katoom :laugh:

taraker said:
He would always smoke me in practice, but throw a green flag & ole Looney folds like a cheap suit :ohmy:

taraker said:
Yo EL Looney Toons, who's yer daddy :nener:

This is all the recent smack talk that taraker has spewed towards myself, from before and after the first race. During all of this, I said very little, only that, at the second race...

yzguy15 said:
I'll get ya next time....

And boy did I ever. I'd say you've got some 'splainin to do Mr. Davis. If anybody here folds like a cheap suit (other than twinkles) it would be you. Your average laps at race one were a mere 6 seconds faster than mine. You finished about 37 seconds ahead of me in actual time. Not too bad really.. until you consider that at race 2 my average laps were almost a minute faster (57 secs. to be exact) and I finished 3 mins and 11 secs before you did. That's quite a difference I'd say.

At race one, you merely beat me. At race two, I owned you. Who's YER daddy now? :nener:



Naïve Texan
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2000

It is ON now! :laugh:

I thought it had been rather dead in here lately. Boy Eric - you finally figerued out a way to get ole Taraker to be quiet.....


May 8, 2001
mebe taraker got sumtin in his spokes......or mebe his bike dun got lazy on him. soun like de eric put da davis man off de porch. no hippity hop language comin from him now.


May 4, 2004
Good for you yzguy15!


AssClown WannaBe
N. Texas SP
Aug 18, 1999
Are you really really sure you want to drag me into this WhineyGuy?!? :debil:


Sprayin tha game
N. Texas SP
Oct 27, 2000
TwinSpar said:
Are you really really sure you want to drag me into this WhineyGuy?!? :debil:

Well, I haven't talked any smack in a long time, and it's been really dead in here.. so I figured, why not? :p


Freedom Ain't Free
Jul 3, 1999
Wow, some real John Kerry/Michael Moore style tactics going on here.

Eric has pulled quotes from posts that pertained to the OakHill WORCS / TORO race, and then used the comments as if I was talking about the Muenster event, which oddly enough I was strangely (only one comment) quite about cause Eric is the reining track Queen at Muenster, and I knew my chances against the reining track Queen would be limited.

So anyway, what was it you were saying about Bonita, Eric? Let’s see by clickin’ herehttp://www.texasoffroad.net/forum_p...16963&page=0&view=collapsed&sb=5&o=93&fpart=1http://www.texasoffroad.net/forum_p...16963&page=0&view=collapsed&sb=5&o=93&fpart=1 What 'bout Tate’s place? There is plenty of season left so you may want to tame your little puff-upped chest :rotfl:
Last edited:


Sprayin tha game
N. Texas SP
Oct 27, 2000
Track queen at Muenster? Hardly, I've ridden at Muenster once in about the last 6 months or so, the only riding I've been doing has been at TCCRA races. This is not about your smack talk for just this one race, this is about the general bull crap you've been giving me about beating me like a red headed step child (which you haven't been able to do). I've never had a good race at Bonita. One race a season does not make. Tate's place, don't care for it, and you probably have an advantage because you've ridden there more than me. Do I care? Not really. Why you ask? Cause I beat the crap out of you once, and even if I don't beat you again all season, it was worth it just for the one time. I'm not making any predictions at all. We'll just have to see how the rest of the season goes.

My chest is not puffed up either, my girlfriend does a good job of knocking me off of that pedestal :laugh: .


Naïve Texan
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2000
Boys!!! Don't make me pull this car over! Stop that fighting right now!


Sprayin tha game
N. Texas SP
Oct 27, 2000
No fighting here. I'm just havin a little fun. :)
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