TCCRA Race 3103 - Bells, TX


Sprayin tha game
N. Texas SP
Oct 27, 2000
So who's coming? I'm not sure when exactly I'll be there. Might come for Saturday practice, but I definately have to be home in time on Sat. night to watch the Texas-Syracuse basketball game. Go Horns! Final Four whooohoo! Anyways, I have to take the SAT on that Saturday morning too, so we may skip practice and just come up early Sunday morning.

Anybody have any opinions on the track? It was open this weekend for riding, and I hear it's pretty technical, and a track-cutter's paradise, so Matt should get another trophy *snicker snicker*.  How accesible is the track on foot? I'm bringing a friend of mine this weekend and don't want her stuck at the truck all weekend. Are there any good places to watch like at Gilmer, or is it just kinda all the same boring spectator stuff like Athens was?

I'll put Patman's pre-race recon in here when he gets it posted.

Roll-call...   Dennis? Matt? Scot? Aaron? Anyone? Bueller? Anyone?


Feb 13, 2001
I did not race last year but I stood in the creek all day and helped people through the mud. There lots of areas to watch but most are a ways away from the camp area. If the lay out is similar, it was 1/2 to a mile from camp up to the top of the hill where the track ran around a pasture.

I hope it does not rain too much!


Jul 5, 2001
I didn't make Gilmer but I'll be at this one. There are mud holes, very deep in and out gulleys, tight woods, and these open, terraced fields that are really fun. The ground is black clay so if it gets wet it will be very slick.
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