This is a fantastic topic.
Anybody get the feeling that Factory Connection, a factory-supported group, has it all over Factory Honda? Maybe big Red should clean the slate & look at what little brother's doing to keep the riders on top of things & happy. It's a damn insult, in my opinion, that they haven't offered LaRocco a factory ride. As good as he is, if I was him, I'd refuse to ride any of their bikes (like I do;) ).
I just think it's funny that a support team (Goss, Preston, LaRocco, Byrne) are kicking factory Honda's ass (oh, I forgot about Fonseca on Factory Honda--how could I forget about him?--what an UNremarkable guy:silly: ) As bad as Honda's been since 96, maybe they should just throw in the towl & spine out the money & advice to support teams?
What about the bike differences? LaRocco mentioned his CR250 having the best suspension in the whoops he's ever ridden. Certainly, that would be all Factory Connection ("best suspension...period"), & what about the motors. Are the motors different between these bikes? I noticed Goss's CR125 was hellaciously fast:eek: , which is a difficult task to achieve with a CR, from what I've seen on this board.
I'm sorry, but Team Honda just blows. They deserve what they're getting. I'm lickin' my chops.:p