I think the color is messed up on that camera. Them there bikes look YELLOW! Need to turn up the red a little (orange, get it?:confused: )
Just kidding. Very nice '01. I love the "Screaming Yellow".:cool:
Isn't a milk crate one of the staples of dirt riding? It'll carry anything you need and then convert into a bike stand, chair or a BBQ (only the old metal ones)!
Most milk crates are "borrowed" from behind grocery stores late at night. Some are even on permanent loan. Not that I'd know about that or anything.:debil: Ya need to get your supply of crates while you're young, like, in high school. :D
I send my kid out, that's in high school, to get mine, I mean to borrow mine! I think he's losing it though, he paints his face and wears black, then rappels down the back of the grocery store. Do you think that's going a bit too far?