The last UK KDX220

Kev from Cov

Oct 9, 2004
Just puchased the last KDX 220 imported by Kawasaki into the UK. I am very very pleased but.........
Once a week somebody taps me on the shoulder and says "your bikes outside mate, leaking fuel" Turning the fuel tap off stops the leak. I have spoken to two dealers who both say to turn the fuel tap off each time I get off the bike. This is my first off road bike and I am not happy with this prospect - most of my miles are on road.
I have tried a search of threads - no joy. Can I ask three questions.
1) Is this normal and is acceptable?
2) Why dosn't it happen all the time and is there a cure?
3) Do KX's do it?


Jan 25, 2000
Float needle not seating properly

Float height has nothing to do with it. There is something, perhaps a piece of grit, that is stopping the float needle valve from sealing properly into its float needle seat. You will have to take the carb off, turn it upside down and unscrew the four screws holding the bottom of the float on. Take the bottom off, pull the pin that holds the float in place, and remove the float needle. check the needle and the seat and clean/blow air through. That said, it is still a good idea to shut off the fuel if the bike is going to sit for any length of time. I have to shut my fuel valve when transporting my bike as the bumps in the road will cause the float to drop a little and let the engine flood.


Jun 24, 2004
My '04 does'nt "pee" at all, unless I forget to shut the valve for transport in the truck. So I would say, no it is not normal.Short of taking the carb off to clean the needle and seat, take it off road for some more serious pounding and vibration, this may dislodge some minor grit, or it may get worse! Then take it apart, or better yet if it is under warranty, have the dealer look at it and show you all the other KDX's that are doing this "normally". Enjoy your bike after this minor annoyance!

Kev from Cov

Oct 9, 2004
Thanks for the help. If I am the only person with the problem, I am very disappointed with the dealers telling me to turn the fuel tap off each time I stop the machine. This cant be right. It can not be a big problem to fix?


Feb 27, 2004
Hi Kev,

I had the same problem with my 04 200 which I bought brand new. You need to remove the carb take the bowl off and clean the area housing the jets and float bowl. It tends to build up a residue while standing around for a few months. When you re-install the carb ensure that the top it is tilted as far over to the right hand side of the bike.Cheers.


May 17, 2003
If I put my bike on the kickstand at a slight down hill grade it will "pee". Assuming the needle and seat check out you can lower the fuel level in the bowl by adjusting the float height a couple of millimeters (maximum!) and reduce its tendency to do this. It worked great for me. I always turn my petcock off if the bike is going to sit for more than a few minutes. I guess it's just out of habit.


Mar 3, 2003
McRider said:
Float height has nothing to do with it..

Not so the case with my 98 200. A little bending on the float tang and she doesn't wee herself anymore. Maybe just coincidence but I doubt it. Im not saying that dirt or grit isn't causing it in Kevs case but float height can have a big effect on whether she pee's or not.....IMO etc etc

Does it stop if you stand the bike upright? Or is just when its on a lean?

Kev from Cov

Oct 9, 2004
The bike has always been on the side stand, with the engine off, when it occurs. I've always been keen to stop the leak and have never tried to move the bike upright before stopping the leak.
Also, i've just had a thought - if this happens when i'm on the move it could be dangerous :yikes:


Oct 13, 2003
My 2004 KDX 220 did the same thing on the day I picked up the bike from the dealer. Right after it had been set up by the dealer, he ran the bike to show me how things worked. He shut the bike off and as we were about to load it into my truck I looked down and saw gas pouring out of the carburator. He took the large nut on the bottom of the carburator float bowl off, the one below the main jet. He said sometimes dirt gets in there during shipping and manufacturing.It took less than 5 min. Its never leaked again (ten months). Still good idea to turn off fuel valve


Jul 6, 2004
mine did the same thing when it was new, I took it back and told them about it and they fixed it for free.
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