The Mounds ORV, Flint, MI - Sat 06/09

Max Factor

Sponsoring Member
Oct 18, 2000
I've got a pretty full schedule this weekend so can't go a long way out for a ride, so am planning on heading up to the Mounds ORV park near Flint MI for a blast Saturday morning.
I've only been there once and while granted it's not like a god sent dirtbike play ground, it's reasonably big, pretty fair riding and any ridings better than none in my book.
I'm planning on being up there by about 8.30 and will stay till about 12.00 ish.
Any other takers?

70 marlin

Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 15, 2000
how'd the ride go?

alway's wanted ride there ? would like to hear more about it (in detail)


May 11, 2001
I will never go there again to many people running around with there heads not on right. I used to go there all the time but it just got to crazy nobody watched where they were going and i have seen some bad accidents that was like 6years ago. I guess you have to pass a sound check and pay to get in now. I would rather drive an extra hour north to hit some trails. Have fun and keep your head up out there. If they were to make some of the trails in there oneway only i might go back but until they do something like that then forget it.

70 marlin

Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 15, 2000
I had a feeling!

ya , I figured it be to good to be true. nice and close. I'd still like to here about what type of riding is is? I seen trails on the map. but where do they get the mounds name from? is it a old gravel pit. I'd like to find a place that has some tough hill climbs.

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