Anybody think you could do a corkscrew? Backflips are so vanilla and uninteresting I dont see what all the fuss is about. I can imagine its quite difficult to do and respect the guys that have done it but its still just a backflip.
I want to see someone do a corkscrew. At first that might seem impossible but I been thinking about it and think it just might me attainable. First you would have to make a bigger jump and lengthen the distance between take-off points and landing points. This is to allow for the extra time need to pull the bike around.
Also it seems that instead of the ubiquities arc jump it should be fairly flat. You dont want a high narrow arc you want a flowing shallow arc. Heres the steps Ive visualized.
1. You would come up the jump like your going to do a whip.
2. As you take off you begin to shift your weight to one side, most likely your dominant side.
3. You keep firm pressure on the inside footpeg pushing it away from you.
4. While putting pressure on the footpeg you start to pull the bars toward you.
5. Halfway through the arc you should be hanging off the side of the bike like a counter weight to help the bike whip itself around.
You should keep the other leg on top of the seat with your heel putting pressure into the side of it.
6. Once the bike starts to come back up you put pressure on the outside peg and yank the handle bars upward in the direction of rotation.
7. Right after pulling upward on the bars you sit down, grasp the bike with your knees and finish straightening the bike out.
8. Then just land as you would normally.
Although I dont know If someone can land normally with a gallon of chili in their shorts. Anyway, thats how I imagine it being done. What do you think? Is it possible?
I want to see someone do a corkscrew. At first that might seem impossible but I been thinking about it and think it just might me attainable. First you would have to make a bigger jump and lengthen the distance between take-off points and landing points. This is to allow for the extra time need to pull the bike around.
Also it seems that instead of the ubiquities arc jump it should be fairly flat. You dont want a high narrow arc you want a flowing shallow arc. Heres the steps Ive visualized.
1. You would come up the jump like your going to do a whip.
2. As you take off you begin to shift your weight to one side, most likely your dominant side.
3. You keep firm pressure on the inside footpeg pushing it away from you.
4. While putting pressure on the footpeg you start to pull the bars toward you.
5. Halfway through the arc you should be hanging off the side of the bike like a counter weight to help the bike whip itself around.
You should keep the other leg on top of the seat with your heel putting pressure into the side of it.
6. Once the bike starts to come back up you put pressure on the outside peg and yank the handle bars upward in the direction of rotation.
7. Right after pulling upward on the bars you sit down, grasp the bike with your knees and finish straightening the bike out.
8. Then just land as you would normally.
Although I dont know If someone can land normally with a gallon of chili in their shorts. Anyway, thats how I imagine it being done. What do you think? Is it possible?