
Nov 14, 1999
I don't know about you guys, but this sport sure is expensive. We definitly stretch our budget to keep my kid riding and racing. I have all but stopped riding just to keep my kid going.We usually devote most of the money on practice sessions. Racing is fun, but he learns much more practicing all day than racing two motos. I don't know how some people do it. I have come to the realization that no matter how much talent you have, if you don't have the cash to practice often and race at places where you can get noticed then you better be happy doing it just for fun. That isn't even touching on the parts issue. To race just one class it usually costs me about 60 bucks. Thats just race fee, gate fee, and gas to get there and back, not to mention, food, bike gas, etc.. I know a couple that are trying to turn their son pro, they spend about 2K a month:scream: I can't help but to think that for every successful racer there was someone behind him with a fat wallet supporting him untill sponsorship reached a point that it paid for a good portion of the costs.


May 31, 2001
Until just recently, my kids both had newer bikes than mine and several of the other families we rode with were the same way. All the kids had nice new shiny bikes while the dads spent most of the time wrenching on their old clunkers to keep them running all day. I was fortunate enough to get a new job recently that allowed me to get my first new (to me anyway) bike in over 12 years.

I know it's expensive, but it just comes down to doing what you enjoy doing. My whole family is into it now and it's a great way to spend the weekends together. I even convinced my wife to get a bike and she's into it with me and my two boys. The way I figure it, you spend what you make, and you might as well spend it on doing something you love!


Ortho doc's wet dream
Nov 24, 2000
a couple of the guys at work think that i am crazy after i told them that i spend about $100 every time my daughter and i go racing (about every other weekend). they don't have hobbies. i think they just watch tv alot. i think it is sad. they are both in their twenties and act like aarp members.

it may get a little more expensive soon. i taught my younger daughter (four) how to ride her bicycle without training wheels yesterday. i hope to have her on the track by next summer.:)


Too much of a good thing.
Nov 22, 2000
Try spectating

I took a couple of kids and a very attractive dental hygienist to the Atlanta SX, and dropped 300 clams. I didn't even get a T-shirt.


Big Pig
Nov 20, 2000
lost in the deserts of NM
Guess i'm getting off cheap! :)

Bike = $650 open class thumper.
Mods to bike = about $350-400
Gear = $250 ?? (helmet was an anniv. gift)
Cost to ride = Free , cowtrailing on BLM trail systems and riding tracks that charge no practice fees.

Fun, enjoyment, and memories = PRICELESS. ;) ;)

Old CR goat

Sponsoring Member
Nov 10, 2000
It is expensive, but every dollar is worth it, and every minute priceless. The time that I spend with the boys, riding or wrenching, has brought us so much closer. Has made what was a stepfather-stepson relationship, father and son, and it's helped make us friends.

OH, Mine- 90 CR250
Son's - 99 CR 125
Other Son's - 97 KX 125

KDX Racer

May 11, 2001
It cost money to have fun these days, but to do what I do with my three sons, ridin' or racin', is worth every penny. My sons are 7, 10, and 11 and hopefully when they ar 12, 15, 16, (the TROUBLE years:p ) we will continue to ride and race together. The time I spend with them riding and talking about riding is PRICELESS. Also, you can not find a better workout for a 43 year old man than riding a dirt bike. I stay in shape by riding in lieu of going to a expensive gym.


Nov 14, 1999
Don't get me wrong guys, I also enjoy riding, watching, and wrenching. My sons wins, and loses are priceless in my mind.Its a great sport that has bonded my son and I even more. I also think that it can be so consuming that it helps the teenagers stay out of trouble. Lets face it you spend twice as much time wrenching on a 2 stroke race bike than riding it:silly:. Its just money is always flying out of my pocket on some moto item. My little one is 2 1/2, and he wants a bike badly. I figure training wheels will be off his pedal bike by his third B-day. Then its PW50 time. I guess I'll need my investments to do a little better if he takes an intrest in racing. This is all not even mentioning my oldest will need to be stepping up to a 125 soon.$$$$$

I agree with you though Truespode, Better to spend the money you make then save it for a time when you are older, and can't enjoy some of the things you would have liked to do earlier in life.

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