The sport bike " fashion "


Apr 11, 2003
Yesterday I took a ride with some friends. This group I really enjoy riding with, they are safe ( for the most part ) and courteous.. We ride because we love bikes, all of them, any make or style. Well, there is one guy I rode with, just once... He has been riding less than two months and bought a cbr954 as a first bike. Ok, thats fine.. add a light throttle hand and some intelligence and it will be smooth sailing... not with this cowboy... first and last time I rode with him he was doing wheelies in traffic and just being " unsafe "..
Last night we stopped into our local watering hole for a red bull. He was there with a few guys from his " club ", yes think biker boys. All of these guys are under 25 and ride big liter bikes with all the bling. We listened to these chumps try to talk bikes for a while then we just had to jet out... when we were leaving they were all like tear it up when you get on the rode... um, the police station is across the street... so no..
When we got back to my house we started to talk about this:
These guys and others in America have jumped into riding sport bikes because it is fashionable, lets put it this way, in the neighbor hood the guy I spoke of is called " backstreet "
If you were to walk into a local dealer here you will see more liter bikes on the floor than anything else and the sales guys pushing them on brand new riders... were talking folks with permits... to me, this could not be done in good conscience ..
so do any of you have a similar story or opinion?


Dec 12, 2000
Everyone thinks there a better rider then they really are when it comes to sport bikes. I bought a CBR 600 as my first street bike and even that is fast as hell. It's just that everyone wants the biggest and baddest bike they can get. I heard all this talk that I was going to get bored of a 600 real fast. You'll find out that most of the $hit talkers are the one's who have never owned a bike or have little riding experience.

My friend bought a 600 about a month after I did and he dumped his bike about 6 weeks later. Slow crash and he didn't get hurt bike messed his bike up pretty good. Now he's talking about how he NEEDS a gsxr750 because his 600 isn't powerfull enought to pop wheelies on the highway at 60mph.

I know what you are talking about with there group of riding buddies. We got a group like that that hangs out at 7-11 at night sitting on their bikes in matching Guido jackets. I actually know a couple of them and refuse to ride with them because of their group mentality when they ride. One guy does a wheelie so another one has to do it and blah blah blah...

Another reason sportbikes are so popular is because they are relativly cheap when it comes to a cruiser bike. A 600cc sport bike will run you about 8k, a nice jap cruiser starts out about 12-13k, a Harley is around 17k and a kick ass chopper starts at about 25k.


Mar 12, 2001
I just sold my 02 R1 to a guy who had an R6, but he sold it since he didn't think it had enough wheelie power. I just wanted to get rid of it cuz the insurance was outrageous.

Then there's the people who go 150mph in traffic. Think your fast? Take it to the track and get whooped by real riders. ;)


Apr 13, 2000
I ride a friends R1 every now and then. Its fun but way to powerful for me. I feel much more comfortable on my 6.

Some guys can handle it and some cant. I just hope they are not around me when they loose it.


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Apr 9, 2002
20 year old story now but when I was growing up one of the guys I went to school with wanted a dirt bike in the worst way. Mom and Dad were dead set against it and the kid was never allowed to have any type of dirt bike/mini bike all through his youth even though pretty much every other kid around him had one. At 19 he walked into a Honda dealership and dropped cash down for a brand new Honda Interceptor 1000, now remember this was a kid who's total riding experience amounted to a few rides on borrowed mini bikes and XR's. An hour or so of paperwork later he was out the door with his new bike, he never made it home from the dealership :think:

The family tried to go after the dealership, the salesman felt bad but stated that there was very little conversation and no sales pitch. The kid walked in and literally dropped the appropriate amount of Hundreds on the desk and said I want that bike. Being a commission salesperson he couldn't draw up the papers quick enough. A short while later the dealership was broken into and a major amount of damage done to the stock of bikes on the showroom floor. The kid's brothers were implicated but nothing ever came of it from the police standpoint.


Nov 7, 2001
Yeah it makes me VERY angry when these newer generations of yahoos blow past me on the highway doing well over 100, weaving in and out. Once a few flew past so quick I could barely make out that they were stepping half off the bikes and appearing to drag their feet.
You hear the AMA screaming all the time about how bikers dont get respect on the road, and I agree, but these guys dont help matters at all. They are very damaging to the reputation that we all have to live with.
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