Mod Ban
Jun 5, 2001
Well, I just picked up 3 new (old) to me bikes. A 78 RM 125, a 83' Honda XL 250R and a 83' Yamaha XT 550. All these bikes need complete rebuilds and are minus a few parts here and there. All motors are in pieces except for the XT. The XT has the botton end still in the frame and the top end is off in pieces. I would like to replace the forks on the XT because the tops are riddled with rust. I am kind of overwhelmed, but I guess that I need to do one bike at a time. Does anyone have any experiences with any of thses bikes? I have done a little searching on the net to see what is out there for parts. I found a few good sites. I may hit Mr. Gorr up for some engine work if he even does these old motors or maybe he can refer me to someone that can. Now I just need time and lots of money!

KTM Mike

Mi. Trail Riders
Apr 9, 2001
KDX - I have had several of the older RMs - ranging from a 77 125 I owned "back in the day", to a 76 370 I restored a couple years ago, a 77 370 I am in process of restoring right now (only to turn around and sell it to help pay for my new KTM...bummer) and a few others I have parted out already or currently have various parts for. (I have some 125 stuff BTW)

One good thing with "most" RMs from 76 to 78 - many many parts are interchangeable (not all so be carefull). 78 had more significant changes than 76 and 77, 79 was the BIG change year.

try vintage-suzuki.com for repro plastic, seat covers etc. he can also get many many other items. good guy to deal with as well. He has most of his stuff on evil bay. NOS stuff can be found, but it takes some digging - try evil bay.

best of luck to you - these old bikes are addictive and wallet draining!
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