Timekeeper Enduro


Nov 19, 2001
I got there around 7:00 so I could get a route sheet and program the computer. There was a long line for sign-up already. So when I got there I asked for a route sheet. The guy said there might be one around somewhere but he didn't know for sure. So I had to buy a Jart chart to get the route sheet. Oh I was on minute 22. That was really early start time for me.

So I went back to program the computer. The thing barely turned on and the screen was really dim. Damn I knew I should have replaced the batteries. So I made a mad dash back to town to get batteries. Got back out to the pits around 8:30 or so. So I was in good shape. I programmed the computer in a hurry. There were like 9 or 10 speed changes in the first loop. Everything from 6 mph to 25 mph. There was only one reset at the gas available. That was around 45 miles so I figured that was the end of the first loop.

Got suited up and made it to the start line with 10 minutes to spare. Whew!

We took off and rode the slimy nasty trail over to around Middle Waddell. There was a check over there. So I dropped 2 minutes. Damn. Then we took off and rode the loop over to Porter creek. Someplace on the way over we had a 24 mph section. So I was riding as fast as I could. I glanced down at the computer and it said I was like 5 minutes early! What!!! So I slowed down. A few minutes later there was a check and I was 2 minutes late. I figured I must have programmed it wrong. Damn. So the rest of the day. The computer was wrong. So I tried to key off the guys behind me. But most of the time I was late so I just rode as hard as I could.

The trails over on the Porter side hadn't dried out yet so they were slimy and slick. The rocks and logs were slick too. I never crashed but I sure went sideways alot. It was scary. So I slowed down. Of course alot of it was a 24 mph average too. So I was losing points big time. One of the checks I was 8 minutes late. Another I was 5 minutes late. But there weren't people holding me up or passing me so everyone must have had trouble.

Finally got back to the pits around 1:00. 60 miles! I was pooped. They really worked us hard.

I decided I had enough time to take the bike home, grab some lunch maybe even shower and get back for results so I left. I figured the results might be posted around 3:30-4:00. Boy was I wrong. I think they posted the results around 5:00. The result sheet showed I had a DNF. What!!! Right below me was my brothers name who did not ride due to a broken foot. They had written my score on his name. So he got 5th in the class.

So I informed the lady and she made the changes. Then somebody else complained they were listed in Senior Am but they were in another class. So she removed that guy (who had beaten me). She recalculated the scores and all of a sudden I was in 3rd! Wow I was pretty happy with that. I was feeling pretty good. Then some other people complained. So they recalculated the scores again. Suddenly I was back to 5th.

So I was a little bummed. But oh well. I got a medal anyway. But when they called my name they said I go 4th? I took the medal and ran before they changed their minds again.

Anyway the weather was good and it was a good ride. For sure.


Dec 4, 2000
Good report Ken, wish I could have gone but had to observe at the National Trials in Tillamook. I really liked the Timekeeper last year, oh well, can't do 'em all. See ya.


die you sycophant !
May 22, 2000
I thought the conditions were great for Capitol Forest this early in the season and the course layout was good. I like that loop and I ride it in the opposite direction pretty often when I ride down there. There were quite a few ATV and bicycle riders spectating along the waddel/porter section . I had it in my mind that this would be a short slick ride since the flyer I got mentioned a 35mile short loop. At the last minute I threw in my gas jug in case I wanted to top off, Happy I did! The conditions were a little tricky since there were slick sections interpersed with with grippy sections and it took a little finesse to determine if this was grippy mud or snotty mud. I used the trial and error method to determine traction with the usual results. :laugh:


Nov 19, 2001
Thanks Adam. I was surprised you weren't there but I understand duty calls.
Are you planning on coming up for the Night Enduro?

That was a fun event the one time I rode it. I am looking at some lighting improvements before then since mine is stock and probably not powerful enough to ride at speed.

See ya.
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