Tips for staying cool in the heat


Mod Ban
Dec 10, 2000
1.Purchase a Celsius thermometer to enjoy summer temperatures that rarely exceed 35 degrees.
2.Grow a coat of dense fur. While this may sound farfetched, the fur will actually insulate your skin and protect it from the heat.
3.The yellow face, it burns us. Stay in your dank cave and guard your precious.
4.Seal all doors and windows, then flood your home with refreshing Lipton iced tea.
5.Stephen King's "The Tommyknockers" will chill you to the very bone.
5.If you leave pets in the car with the windows rolled up, be sure to stop by the parking lot every 30 minutes or so to baste them.
6.Remember: Heat rises. Fall into a deep well.
7.Strenuous exercise can lead to heat exhaustion. If you must have sex, let your partner do all the work.
8.Put out any fires in your home to reduce heat.
9.Under no circumstances should you pay heed to emergency requests from power companies to limit air-conditioner use. Run your air conditioner at full blast until you brown out the entire region.
10.Keep your dentures, hip brace, diapers, and wig in the freezer when not in use.
11.Heat is a manifestation of infrared radiation, the low-frequency part of the electromagnetic spectrum that is emitted by aliens. To prevent exposure to these Venusian mind-control waves, wrap head in tinfoil.
12.Keep cool with delicious Frosty Fritz™-brand frozen ice-cream treats.
13.If possible, cause the sun to collapse into a singularity, or "black hole."
14.Avoid "hot" programming like Cinemax After Dark.
15.Lose some weight, you walrus.

The Onion


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
Originally posted by spanky250
7.Strenuous exercise can lead to heat exhaustion. If you must have sex, let your partner do all the work.
I can't agree more. ;)

Also, if it's 100 degrees out, set your thermostat on your furnace to 80. That's obviously cooler, eh?:confused:
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