Titling vs. Registering a bike-whats the diff?!?


Sep 30, 2000
Alright, I just got off the phone with my local DEP commissioner, and according to him, I have to register my bike at the DMV in order to ride it in the state forest. Now my question---what is Titling a bike? How old do you have to be to do it? Does it mean you can ride it on the road? And about registering it...will I have a hard time registering my KX100? Can I get away with putting bicycle-style head lights on my dirt bike? Thanks :silly:


Jul 21, 1999

Not sure of the law in CT but in Colorado here is the deal.

If you are going to dual sport your bike (ride on the road) you have to title your bike as a highway vehicle. Here, when you buy a dirtbike you don't pay the same taxes as a road bike. when you go to get set up you'll have to pay the taxes as if it were a road bike, then the DMV generates a registration. When you go to get your plates you'll need a title and registration (just like a car).

In Short a "Title" shows you as the owner of the bike, if you are being financed, the bank has this. The Registration shows the taxible value, VIN, etc.. of the bike

When we "register" our bikes to ride in the NF, Colorado has OHV stickers required to ride in NF. You need to know your VIN and have $15 handy that's it. So it's easy for theives to get "stickered" here since no title/registration/bill of sale is needed.

As far as a bike light, check your local laws. Here in CO we need a headlight, tail light, Brake light (activated by front or back brake) a horn (even a bike horn is ok) and DOT tires. this varies from state to state. I personally wouldn't want to do any extended riding on the road with just a bike light. But thats just me.



Oct 31, 2000
Title shows ownership - think pink slip. A new title is issued when a vehicle is sold/changes ownership.

Registration is the yearly (bi-annual in CA for a Green Sticker. Green sticker is OHV registration in CA) fees paid to operate the vehicle on the road or in the forest. Registering the vehicle is what will get you a 'license plate'.

The title & registration requirements vary from state to state - call the DEP if you have more questions.



Jul 21, 1999

VIN stands for Vehicle Identification Number. Every vehicle has one (unless it's really old) Look on the head tube of your bike (under the handlebars in front of the gas tank) You should find a tag or a group of numbers stamped into the frame tube.

If CT uses an OHV (off highway vehicle) sticker, you probably can do it at any age.

If your trying to get it set up for street use then I'd guess 16?

Call the CT Department of Motor vehicles (in the Blue pages of your phonebook) and tell them what you're trying to do.

Vos Schola

Apr 16, 2000
first of all we don't have any state forests to ride in (don't even get me started on that). and second you can't register a 2stroke "legally" in the state of CT, on the title it will say something along the lines of "for offroad use only".
you do have to have the bike titled before registering it.
you can get an ATV plate for your bike, i don't know how that works (thats another sore issue)
look into a vermont plate.
1) you don't have to be a resident to get one.
2) proof of insurance is not required upon registration
3) anything under 300cc doesn't have to be titled
4) it's cheaper then an ATV plate in CT

let us know how you make out.


Sep 30, 2000
Wheres the nearest (most southern part of vermont) place I can go in vermont to get my bike registered? If I didn't recieve a title when I purchased my bike, am I up a creek without a paddle? How do I get it "titled" Thanks

Vos Schola

Apr 16, 2000
VT Reg.

I don't know where the most southern DMV office is in Vermont, but I do know that you can register the bike right through the mail. You can download the form and instructions from their site http://www.aot.state.vt.us/dmv/dmvhp.htm you won't need to title the bike because it is under 300cc's. If you would like to title it, that can be done through the VT DMV or the CT DMV.
By the way, where in CT do you plan to ride?


Sep 30, 2000
Stafford/Somers, CT---Shenipsit State Forest. According to the regulations at the top of Soapstone, motor cycles/OHV are allowed to ride on the dirt roads....
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