TLD Combat Knee Guards


Mar 10, 2004
Purchased locally one month ago. Cost: $60 (ouch!). Have been used literally every day since then, but not on any rides longer than 2 hours at a time - the snow hasn't melted enough for romps into the hills. All trail riding, no MX tracks around here.

My dimensions: 5'11" - 140lbs - 23 years old

Protection: They are big. Really big. They extend from top of knee cap to my mid-lower shin. However, the TLD Combat guards do NOT extend more than two inches above the knee cap. No thigh protection. The areas which are covered, however, feel very protected. Hard, thick plastic protects your knee cap and shin. I don't see the need for shin coverage from a knee guard when we all wear tall protective boots; my Tech-6 seems more than strong enough.

Fit and comfort: There are three strap points - one directly above knee cup, one directly below knee cup, and one slightly below midway down the shin. The top two strap points are actually doubles; each point has two straps. All of this has the net result of providing excellent support and comfort. The top straps don't pinch at all like most knee-guards I've worn. The TLD's don't move or shift at all.

Overall impressions: Pretty solid guard. The fact that they don't shift in place at all, and don't pinch the back of my legs, make them better than most. The only real drawbacks are how low the guards go on your shins and the price. Big fat price tag.

TYBALT-o-meter score: 4/5
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