It doesn't have a vertical exhaust bridge, and does not need holes drilled in the piston.
You probably already know this, but I'll mention it just in case this is your first top end job on this motor: When you install the piston, be careful of twisting the cylinder. It is really easy on those engines to knock the rings out of their groove on the piston, causing them to get hung up on the intake port on the cylinder. I did that a few years ago, and accidentally destroyed a brand new Wiseco piston. I mention that because I learned that the hard way, and wanted to make sure that doesn't happen to you.
Also, be sure to get the fork on the power valve to line up with its connector on the bottom end. If you don't, the PV wont work. Twisting the cylinder and not getting the power valve actuator lined up seem to be the two most common problems when doing a top end on those motors.
Anyway, I digress, as that wasn't your question. No drilling is needed. Good luck.