To Pred (I think?) Roman Coin Lovers? (way way off topic)


"Don't Worry Sister"
Dec 16, 2007
To Roman Coin Lovers? (way way way way way way off topic)


I somehow managed to hippety hop my way from some sky photos on an SV board and an HD set, to the HDR here, back out to a flicker HDR page...

Then I ended up here (see below) and thought it might be of interest to you. No idea why and I'm probably wrong on the "who". Ever since the stroke I don't think right.

Anyway- to wit:

(I was actually somewhere deep inside that, but don't know how I got there.)

Here's some HDR of the aquaducts

(Sorry everyone!. I bet everyone thought this was gonna be a funny. Lol. Nopers!! Just some of that goofy good history stuff.)
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