

Sep 26, 2002
I'm going through Eric Gorr's book - Motocross & Off-Road Performance Handbook, and I'm looking at the tools section.
The trouble is, I don't know what some of these tools are, or what they look like, here is the following list;
(1) chain clamp
(2) feeler gauge
(3) impact driver
(4) rat-tail, big flat fine and triangular files; set of needle files;
and a thread file
(5) large and small diameter round punches and a 1/4-inch-wide
flat chisel
(6) magnet? what type of magnet? and 'tweezers'? what type of

I would really like Eric Gorr to answer this, but he never replies to emails so I don't count on it. I do however count on someone knowing what these tools are, and please, explaining them to me.


A General PITA.
Apr 21, 2002
(1) since there is no pic. a chain breaker?
(2) a set of thin metal blades to determine the width of certain spaces.
(3) a kinetic driver for use with a hammer.
(4) files with a small end to insert into a handle (rat tail), Thread file ,restores threads on damaged or cross threaded bolts and screws.
(5) a set of punches designed for specific applications and saftey. The chisel is for getting into tight places where it may be used.
(6) Both are handy items that you realize you need right when you dont have them. The magnet is usually a teliscoping kind that retracts to the size of a pen. Go to your local tool place and ask for a magnetic retreiver. The tweezers are handy with small o-rings and such found in carbs and various other applications.

Good Luck,

P.S. Certain explainations may differ due to geographic differences.
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