Toyota fix.


Jan 27, 2000


It's been awhile...
Dec 1, 2004


Old MX Racer
Oct 19, 2006
Finally 1 of the video posters are really getting creative, nice need to work add! What ever happened to the old days? The Japanese president of Toyota came over to explain to Congress they made a boo boo, blah blah. He should have just went kamikaze! And now, the fix is not fixed? I heard a story about a Prieus doing over 90 mph, wfo, and a cop helped stop the guy. Some greenie car, seems it should do 50mph if they were serious? Thanks for the laugh though Terry! Vintage Bob


Jan 27, 2000

I was reluctant to post the vid because of the tragedy involved but, you are right Bob. In the old days, the head of Toyota would have just committed suicide. But now, he makes a deal with our own Department of Transportation to cover the whole thing up. :whoa: They are both at fault as far as I'm concerned. :|

The Prieus thing was a guy in San Diego yesterday that had his throttle stick and called 911 while driving at 90mph down the SD freeway. A CHP officer came along side and told the guy what to do over his loud speaker. Then got in front of the Prieus and stopped him. :cool: At least our Chippies still have accountability.


May 10, 2007
The really scary thing is the fact that ALOT of 2005 up vehicles run on a very similar cableless throttle system. All it takes is a glitch in that throttle motor control circuit and off you go.........

I'll stick to my cable operated throttles as long as possible, thank you.


Nov 10, 2008
I am unfamiliar with car fly by wire especially Toyota's but on the vehicles I work on the pedal will have atleast 2 potentiometers(sp) or are they rheostats ?...and more than likely an on/off switch. press down the pedal and the on off switch tells the computer that there is a demand, then the 2 other switches must confirm the exact thing or the engine defaults to idle. I am curious as to how they are set up and what the real issue is internally....

Anyway KUDOS to the cop.... talk about a hero not only did he risk his life to save another but the potential for bystanders to be involved was avoided also.


Apr 27, 2001
The vid is horrifyingly funny. There's nothing funny about Toyo"da's" lack of truthfullness with the general public, regarding product problems. :bang:
The road looks like Hwy. 95, between Klamath Falls & Bend, Oregon.


May 10, 2007
I really feel bad for Toyota, they make a damn good vehicle. I think there's just too many electrical systems on newer cars. They can and do interfere with one another. Who knows what the root cause is? I'll be interested to see. I can tell you that the guys doing the recall pedal modification are enjoying the work, it's been slow otherwise...


Oct 11, 2008
I wish i had a toyota.
I could do speeding without getting tickets. Joking :P


Apr 27, 2001

Toyodas mechanicals are good, rock solid. They need to learn how to make good wiring looms, made for the long haul.(all soldered, not crimp connections) They also need to learn, simple is good, their electronics are proving how unreliable controlling the throttle & the brakes with a computer can be. To make a point, last week I test drove a new toyoda. When done I asked the sales person to open the hood & show me the throttle cable between the foot pedal & the throttle body. My response to the absence of these parts was " this car was designed by a pack of idiots, NOT BUYING IT!"
The trusting public is being victomized by this fly by wire technology.


dismount art student
Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 29, 2004
im putting some stock into kill switches


May 10, 2007
ellandoh said:
im putting some stock into kill switches
:) You could just turn the key off.......except alot of the new fly by wire cars don't have keys anymore...... :yikes:

The guy with the Prius says "I pushed the stop button but it kept on going". :think:

With my car if the battery in the remote dies I have to manually unlock the door to get in and leave. If the battery dies in a keyless cars remote you're stranded.......isn't technology wonderful?


dismount art student
Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 29, 2004
whenfoxforks-ruled said:
Does the efi dirt bikes get this technology? Hit the kill switch wfo, its still running? Vintage Bob

kill switch the injectors??


Apr 27, 2001
Putting "da" Where It Belongs! Toyoda!

My definition of a toyoda: get your favorite giant screen TV, take it apart& ad a whole bunch of parts it does not need, then hide the parts all around your house, give them strange names that don't make sense & make it way to complicated, then do a cheap job of wiring it all back together with way to small of wire. Then integrate all the other appliances in your house with it for no reason, & have it communicate with your neighbor's remote& your remote collectively so it can wake everyone up at all hours of the night, stuck at full volume & WFO, it has no brakes so forget about slowing it down, you can't shut it off & it's stuck on 10 channels all at once.
In a desperate attempt to put an end to the insanity, you yank the power cord out of it's socket....& the pile keeps on haunting you at WFO! I hope Toyo"da" never builds any SPACECRAFT! :bang: :coocoo:
Here's a remedy, put the president of toyoda in the prius that went WOT & his engineering staff too, take them to black rock or bonneville & make them drive it around until the problem is fixed.... in all the vehicles they have sold. :uh: :fft: Bring an entire fleet of prius's & put some of the snobby toyoda sales & marketing staff in them too, there could be a prius demolition derby, it could be a pay per view!
LET THE LEAD FLY! :yeehaw:

( This little rant derived from the fact that we own a 95, 4 runner.) It's been a good ride with the exception of needing head gaskets at 100k.Currently it has 230k & recently it started running slower & slower, then it give up & quit. I found out that my Mrs. loaned it to the lady around the corner so she could jump start her dead battery...........BIG MISTAKE! The gal got the polarity mixed up which sent our electrical system to the scrap pile. This required many parts to be replaced, new ecm, efi relay,integration relay, one fuel injector, fix the baddly oxidized crimp connections in the fuel injection loom,new alternator,new circuit opening relay, new trans neutral switch. I went to edmonds auto web site & looked into the forum on our year model. I found 1300 posts all regarding crazy electrical problems involving trans issues, engine management issues, & body electrical issues. The only common denominator that I could see was if the car had been in wet or humid conditions. So,knowing this I linked all the body grounds (12 of em ) together with good soldered connections & # 10 wire, & replaced the main + input wire (#12) from the battery with a #4 welding cable to a new 1/8" copper buss bar to the power dist box, Input to the first of three fusable links.
PROBLEM NOW SOLVED. Her truck runs better than the day it was new, NO VOLTAGE LOSS ANY WHERE IN THE SYSTEM. ( like there was since the truck was new.) Our snobby big local toyoda dealer's comments regarding our truck was, " Your 4 runner is obviously wore out, can we sell you another?" I have a cousin that owns a first gen 4 runner, it's 12 years older than ours & has 470,000 miles on the same motor. I believe, this is not an accident, but a way to trick the customer in to thinking there ride needs to be retired & replaced.
Our next truck will be a DOMESTIC PURCHASE!
I drive a FORD! #3 in 35 years!.... RANT DONE
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