Training Tips From Early '80's Husky Manuals

Smokin Joe

Sponsoring Member
Apr 21, 2000
Back in '84 I bought an '81 430 CR and I remeber that there was a section in the owner's manual containing training tips, possibly from Rolf Tibblin? Anyhow, I was young and in youthfull shape then but now I'm older, creakier, and way outa shape. I sure would appreciate if anyone of you Husky owners coulod somehow scan in those tips or even photocopy them. I'd definitely be more than happy to pay whatever postage and other miscellaneous fees you may incur.



Smokin Joe

Sponsoring Member
Apr 21, 2000
I did find a great site for Husqvarna info: Husky Club

He has laser reprints of every single Hudky publication ever printed it seems. I haven't yet but I will email him about the training tips.

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