

Feb 1, 2002
Trick is ok, but not as good as VP. Trick uses pump gas and doctors it up from what I have read. I use 1 gal.VP C-112 to 3 gallons of pump premium and a pint of Yamalube R for a 32:1 mix. The VP is $5.45 gal. at the station just outside Ramona on the way to Ocotillo. I know what some say about mixing fuels, but the bike runs like a dream. Try it, you won't go back. As far as alcohol goes, stay away for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is that you need to run a jet about twice the size as gasoline to make the same power! Which means you use twice the fuel... The only advantage is with vw's, they run cooler in the dunes.


Nov 14, 2000
I'd like to see where you read this so-called info on how trick doctors up race gas. I use trick 110 without any problems and so do alot of other people I know. I know pump gas is basically like race gas detuned I don't see how it could go back the other way and be the same thing heh. Thats like saying Trick is just pump gas with like octane booster NOT! Anyone race gas buffs out there care to set the record straight?


Feb 1, 2002
de-tuned race gas?

Whaaat??? Why on earth would you "de-tune" expensive race fuel and sell it at pump prices? Racing fuel is high quality fuel that has been refined to a much higher level than pump gas, which accounts for the higher cost to produce. The article I referred to was in Road & Track several years ago, when exactly I've no idea, but it tested race and pump gas for a number of metrics. FYI, they found that the only pump gas that consistently rated the stated octane was Union 76 premium. Their race fuel also produced the most consistent numbers too. You read between the lines correctly, Trick is BASICALLY octane boosted pump gas, though it has been further doctored up. Try buying their octane booster, and see for yourself. Bottom line: Whatever works for you!

Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999
Re: de-tuned race gas?

Originally posted by nick414
, Trick is BASICALLY octane boosted pump gas, though it has been further doctored up.

No it isn't.
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