Trip down memory lane.


Oct 9, 2002
I was just strolling thru the readers ride pictures and viewed several early to mid eighties KDX's. I had to smile as I owned (brand new with my paper route money) a 1983 KDX80. Gawd, what great times those were. Wake up in the morning, call your friends, and off to ride for the day. Sadly, all those riding areas are now housing devlopments, malls, and such.

Anyway, last summer was my first summer since the late seventies that I went without a dirtbike. Well, needless to say, I almost took a hatchet to the family. The search begin for a new-used bike this past winter. In particular, I wanted a KDX200/220 as I had heard so many great things about them (I'm a strickly trail rider). I was looking for a good, used bike around $2,000-$2,500 and a up to a half days ride from northern MN. Couldn't find one and ended up getting a stolen and left for dead 1995 DR250se, heavy, slow, and a real son-of-bitch, but cheap, bike.

Oh well, enjoy your bikes - you lucky *******s, and wait for me at the next turn.


2-Strokes forever
Jul 3, 1999
I feel for ya... I went a few years with out a bike and ended up with an XL 600 !!!  Well I eventually got a YZ 250 WR and now I have a KDX 220!! You'll get there I'm surprised that you couldn't find one. Hey I have a 90 YZ250.... ;)

See ya in Gilbert


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