tuning a bike


Jun 23, 2002
I'm 15 years old and I have been riding since I was just barely 3. Up until 2000 I didn't know anything about bikes other than I loved riding them. In 2000 I got a 1999 KX 80 and my uncle told me about this harescramble. I decided to go and about a week before the race I took my bike to his house and we did some maintanance. He showed me how to clean an air filter(I didn't even know what an air filter was). Since then I've tried to soak up all the knowledge about bikes that I can. I can now do all the maintanance on a bike with the exception of splitting the cases(I can split the cases, but I better have a mechanic on hand 'cuz I don't know what the heck happened). Anyway, I've just got to where I can jet the bike properly with the help of an owners manual, but I'd like to be able to adjust my suspension and set it up so it feels good for me. I tried reading my owners manual but I couldn't make heads or tails of what they were saying. I'd like to know any good threads or magazine articles or whatever where I could learn how to do this. After I get the two-strokes mastered it should be just about time to get a thumper :laugh: !
THANX :thumb:


2-Strokes forever
Jul 3, 1999
I think its great that you want to learn about your bike, it will save you a lot of money in the long run, it also may get you back to the truck at those harescrambles :)

Good Luck


Nov 5, 2001
go to amazon.com and search author "Eric Gorr" he has written the definative dirtbike bible that covers everything you need to know and then some! :thumb:


Jun 23, 2002
Thanx guys :thumb: . I'm gonna have to get Eric's book. Unfortunately, I've gotten really good at doing a top-end on a 2-stroke. Last steason my dad had the idea to switch to a cleaner burning premix. It burned cleaner, but didn't lubricate for crap! I went through 2 cylinders and 4 top-ends. :whiner: I'm now on a 125, using Silkolene :laugh:, and having a GREAT time. The race season starts soon, and with any luck this season will go better than the last.
THANX :thumb:


2-Strokes forever
Jul 3, 1999
Ryno149 said:
I'm now on a 125, using Silkolene :laugh:, and having a GREAT time. The race season starts soon, and with any luck this season will go better than the last.
THANX :thumb:

When you get my age ( not that old :yeehaw: ) this year is always better then last year!!!! Good Luck
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