UPS came today!!!


May 23, 2000
Isn't that a great feeling when you crack that box open and see that baby laying in there? Congrats! You'll love the lens.


Stupid tires and trees
Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 19, 2002
What's really cool about being married to a photographer is that I will always have great pictures! :laugh: and later when we have kids, they will always have great pics!

Guess I have to learn how to use this stuff so I can return the favor to Phil....


Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002
MXGirl230 said:
later when we have kids, they will always have great pics!

Except when they race. I have less photos of my kid than pretty much any other kid that races in this province as I'm usually too busy cheering during his motos :laugh:

Congrats on the new toy, it's a great lens!
Oct 19, 2007
Quite the Cannon you have there! lol

Should be great for low light shooting!
let us know how it is!
I'm torn between the lens you picked out or spend the extra for IS
Not sure...


May 23, 2000
NewHampWoodsRider said:
Quite the Cannon you have there! lol

Should be great for low light shooting!
let us know how it is!
I'm torn between the lens you picked out or spend the extra for IS
Not sure...

For action shots (like moto), you really don't need the IS. Your shutter speeds will be high enough that the IS function won't help you at all. The IS is FANTASTIC for indoor stuff in really low light situations. You can shoot hand-held at much slower shutter speeds than you could normally get away with.


Nov 17, 1999
I shoot about 90% MX, so I couldn't justify the IS, though it would have been nice. For anything other than sports get the IS.


May 3, 2007
So im purchasing a set up prob within the next two weeks. Im getting a XT, and im looking at the 70-200 f4L. Ive been shooting photography for a while now, but this is my first dslr. I just cant seem to justify saving for the f2.8. It seems everyone wants it for weddings, but does anyone else actually use it for other indoor photography? I would think it would be smarter to save the difference and use it to a 50 prime, or another work horse lense as a 70-200 is really long for avg indoor shots. Any advise would be great.
Oct 19, 2007

70-200L F4 would be great if shooting outdoors with a mono pod. Great for anything if used under those circumstances.

The 2.8 version is wonderful since it gives you the ability to shoot a faster shutter speed. The lens allows more light to hit the sensor when using a larger aperture.
This is great if you were shooting Moto-X at dusk, cloudy, etc.
As far as a wedding application it would be used for candids and zoom shots. I use something in the 24-70 2.8 range for portraits and most walk around.

What are you going to be photographing?

Are you buying an XT body only? will it come with kit lens?
See if you can find a body version only and spend the money on a greater quality lens. Canon offers a great 28-200mm lens, not as fast as 2.8 but much more affordable and versatile.

Keep in mind the 50mm prime on a crop sensor camera is more like an 80mm lens. Granted it is excellent for portraits, just not good for close ups. (unless you are trying to capture facial pictures only)

What are you looking to photograph?
wild life?


May 3, 2007
The main thing I shoot is moto, or with this 70-200mm lense at least is the only thing I need a zoom like that for. But I do want to be able to shoot everything. Im moving up from a S3IS and out grew it, so im looking to get into the SLR system. Im actually going to purchase the canon 30d and the 50mm 1.8. (found a great price on it) Im going to play with that for a while and see what Ill want right away next. Ideally I was looking at the sigma 24-70 for a workhorse lense. And either the 70-200mm f4 or 70-200mm f2.8 from canon. If I was using the 70-200mm mainly for moto, should I settle with the lighter f4 and get the sigma at the same time? Or am I really going to regret not getting the f2.8? (I wont be shooting weddings, I was reading on another photo forum, and thats all they talk about lol)
Oct 19, 2007
If you are shooting Moto you will be shooting at fairly high shutter speeds to prevent blur.

The 70-200 F4 will be fine granted you are not shooting when there is low light. Otherwise you will have to use a slower shutter speed and pics will come out blurry.

Take a look around and see what Moto-Photographers are using these days. You might be just fine going with the F4 version and saving the money.

or possibly go for a used 2.8 non IS version.

Good luck!
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