Wanted, small body PWK


Mar 25, 2004
Anyone know where I can get a PWK 33 or 35 for cheap, besides the obvious ebay?

I want a second card for future RB-D treatment, and leave the stocker alone for future use.


Mod Ban
Dec 14, 2002
Have I got a deal for you. A slightly used but in great shape 33mm PWK from my KDX220. I went with the AirStryker PWK that Ron modified in the hopes someone, like you, would by my old one and off set the additional cost of the new instead of reworked carb. Let me know what you will pay for it. If you are honest and offer a fair price, we may have a deal!
P.S. Don't be suprised if this post gets moved to the "For Sale" Forum


Mar 25, 2004
Dear Skipro,
I would pay $40 plus shipping for it. I don't know if you consider that fair or rape. It depends on if you're comparing against the dealer price or ebay prices. I just don't "appreciate" ebay like some do. I hate having my hopes and dreams dashed for $2 after a weeks worth of lurking, waiting for the auction to end.
If you think $40 is rape, I'd be interested to know what you think is fair. Maybe we can still deal. If you want to take it offline, e-mail me direct. shontse@netzero.net

Also, what's the deal with an AS carb? I know about the RB mods, but is an AS carb something right from Keihin that was modified by RB in addition? Or is AS the name for the RB mods? If its a whole different animal, maybe I'll do what you did. Buy the AS outright, and keep the stock 33 in reserve for later.
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