From the NMA:
Here is what the WTA intends to accomplish in this session.
The new language was already introduced on 1/20/03 as HB 1165:
Introduced on Senate side as SB 5401 on 1/23/03
Dave Hiatt
Nonhighway Off-Road Vehicle (NOVA) (02-4-002)
(1) The reappropriation in this section for the nonhighway and off-road vehicle program under RCW 46.09.170(1)(d)(i) is subject to the following conditions and limitations: A portion of the reappropriation may be used for grants to projects to research, develop, publish, and distribute informational guides and maps of nonhighway and off-road vehicle trails and associated facilities meeting the requirements, guidelines, spirit, and intent of the federal Americans with disabilities act.
(2) The reappropriation in this section for the nonhighway and off-road vehicle program under RCW 46.09.170(1)(d)(ii) is subject to the following conditions and limitations: The portion of the reappropriation that applies to grants for capital facilities may be used for grants to projects that meet the requirements, guidelines, spirit, and intent of the federal Americans with disabilities act and do not compromise or impair sensitive natural resources. The portion of the reappropriation that applies to grants for management, maintenance, and operation of existing off-road vehicle recreation facilities may be used to bring the facilities into compliance with the requirements, guidelines, spirit, and intent of the federal Americans with disabilities act.
(3) The reappropriation in this section for the nonhighway and off-road vehicle program under RCW 46.09.170(1)(d)(iii) is subject to the following conditions and limitations: Funds may be expended for nonhighway road recreation facilities which may include recreational trails that are accessed by nonhighway roads and are intended solely for nonmotorized recreational uses.
For more information and to better understand what we are dealing with look here:
Do a search on RCW 46.09.170 to see what the NOVA Funding was intended to be used as.
Search for HB 1165 (Page 53 specifically) and SB 5401 (page 75 specifically)
Then write your State Legislative Reps to prevent this from happening!