Water in my Crankcase!


May 16, 2004
This past week I tore down my engine to rebuild the top end. When I pulled the Cylinder head off I felt water in the crankcase. Sure enough when i pulled the cylinder off, the entire crank was submerged in water/oil. What is going on?! And how do i fix this? I'm pretty new at this whole 2-stroke mechanic thing, but i don't want to take my bike to shop because it's a rip off. Somebody please help me!


Jan 27, 2000
Ercman85 said:
when i pulled the cylinder off, the entire crank was submerged in water/oil.

Somebody please help me!


Chances are, if you didn't drain the coolent from the cylinder before taking the cylinder off, that is where the water came from. IF, that is where the water came from and IF, the crank is not rusted, you could probably drain the water out of the crankcase and fill it up with pre-mix to disipate the water.

Fill and dump it a few times to insure all of the water is out and IF, there is not excessive movement in the big end bearing of the crank, you should be good to go.

IF, there is any indication of rust on the crank or excessive clearance in the rod, you should take it apart and rebuild the crank.

Just my $ .02
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