water pump problems

Tony Yz426f

May 17, 2009
So i got this bike bought at the right price well it was supposebly blown up:" well i got it home and the crank was loose so i fired it up no rattle or anything well today i changed the filter and oil in it there was some small metal shavings in the oil filter but not in the oil? is that normal ?? and my real ? is it is leaking coolant so i have the new seals to put in it i took the cover of the water pump off today and should that shaft turn free??? and how do you get to the 2 seals behind the water blade "not sure of the name of that"

Tony Yz426f

May 17, 2009
impeller removel on a 426

Im not sure how to remove it i have the cover off but im not to sure on how to remove it to get to the seals behind it

Tony Yz426f

May 17, 2009
what do you think ?

Ok so do you think i made a wise buy.. ok my friend was the 2nd owner of this 426. His little brother rode it and didn't see that it was leaking coolant. He ran it out of coolant and it ceased up. well him and i where sittin around a fire one night and we where bull ****in like normal and i said ill buy that 426 right now $400 well we got it loaded and when i came home the next morning it was unceased idk how but it was so i put coolant in it n gas and it fired right up 2nd kick... the thing is now i have the parts to replace the seals and now i have the cover off the side of the motor. well the blance gear for the motor is off and now i need to take the counter balance shaft out and retap it :( hopefully this will work did i make a good but??? it has a cp high comp piston,auto decompressors, and hot cams


May 10, 2007
It's a 2000 dollar bike in perfect condition. Most of the 2000 yz426s out there are FAR from perfect.