we lose


Nov 17, 2005
RM_guy said:
Damn. I hear revolution in the air :|

You better do more than just hear it.

Do something about it, or else you are simply part of the problem.

This has got me thinking more and more, and I don't have the answers yet, but I have to wonder:

When does it finally happen that a law-abiding, patriotic citizen gets concerned enough about the hijacking of freedom that they act? How would they act? If agents of oppression manage to take over the U.S. government, and tilt the balance of power to where basic morals and liberties are systematically stripped from the population, what is our moral duty to our country?

As defenders of freedom, is it our patriotic duty to support the elected government and live with our new chains, or is it our duty to rebel and possibly sacrifice our liberty, fortunes, families and lives, like our forefathers did during the revolutionary war?

Tell you what, it's going to probably take all of us to organize a "wilderness ride", where a bunch of us host an event on formerly legal land. We'll all get arrested, our bikes will get taken away for good, and we'll all get prosecuted. We'll spend thousands of dollars apiece on fines and legal counsel, and several of us will spend time in jail. However it might just spark national debate about the legality of "wildnerness areas" and maybe eventually re-open them. We probably should buy some cheap, disposable motorcycles just for the occasion. Maybe ride some kid's bikes covered in lead-laced paint!! :nener: We'd have to make sure that we're portrayed as contientious objectors and not a bunch of villians or hooligans. However that might be hard, depending on what flavor of journalist shows up to cover the story.

The Socialist, secular-progressive movement has it's grip on the media, on the educational institutions, and now the government. Now they have the land you walk on. It'll be a tough fight. They preach that Bikes are evil, Religion is evil, meat is evil, unbridled sex is sacred, spanking your kids is worth jail time, pornography is to be protected at all costs, Kids playing (ROHS COMPLIANT) Nintendo all day is sacred, and domestic manufacturing is inferior to anything made in Asia or Europe.

This is all me just pondering, but it seems that this is the new America for you and me, and I do not like it very much.


Crash Test Dummy
Jul 18, 2006
Amo, IN
When I was sworn into the Air Force in 1985, I was sworn to defend the constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

It seems to me that the current administration and the current congress is definitely an enemy of the constitution.

I'm hoping against hope that before they are able to do anything substantive in a negative direction, we get our collective heads out of our asses and vote them out.

However, since we've had this socialism creep going on for the last 20 years, I don't see how were going to fix it with one election.


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
Phantom Duck, anyone?
hey, what's wrong with a little porn?

and don't get me wrong, I'm pissed as well. BRC, why has thou forsaken us?


Old MX Racer
Oct 19, 2006
Do something about it? Hmmm, I do my job. Now, I need to watch what every person in Congress and the House of Representatives is doing? Some multi million, billion dollar bunch of 5 people goes lobbing in DC and bam, all for not? They also have this method of letting a show of defeat, and then put it on the back of the next 3 inch thick stack of BS bills they go through. It is the personal greed of a few, or a grand scheme of things to come. How I was taught in school, its flat out communism.


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
that's the rub, and foxforks nails it.

all those peeps against us, they are professional protesters, don't have anything better to do. All of us, we're trying to hold down a job so we can afford our hobbies. Those guys, their hobbies are just to make sure we don't have any fun.

I want to fight them.


Old MX Racer
Oct 19, 2006
I would like to send them to the south pole, monitor the ozone hole. For minimum wage. Everything they vote on is public record, DOES IT SERVE THE MAJORITY OF THEIR CONSTITUENTS? NO? You go to the south pole!
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