Weird bogging problem!


dismount art student
Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 29, 2004
clean out your silencer and repack it


Nov 5, 2008
Hmmm thanks, I think that really needs to be done since it was oozing some oil...
I can only imagine what it looks like.


Nov 5, 2008
well today I tried running straight VP 110 oct with 32:1 premix and no difference...
I also know that its using about double the fuel it seems, I ran out of gas in half the distance I normally ride. For a minute i thought something cleared up because it started ripping like it should, then a minute later it ran completely out of gas. My only last hope is maybe the needle jet clip is out of place? I've still yet to find a security torx bit to open up the top of the carb... To my knowledge you actually raise the clip to lean it out correct?


May 19, 2006
1998RM250 said:
For a minute i thought something cleared up because it started ripping like it should, then a minute later it ran completely out of gas.

Yep, leaned out as it became starved for fuel.


Nov 5, 2008
2strokerfun said:
Yep, leaned out as it became starved for fuel.

Thats why I'm hoping, I just need to raise the needle clip.
Don't understand what else it could be since it has good compression, spark, and fuel. The only thing that gets me is it seemed to run okay the first time I took it out awhile ago and I havent changed the jetting since. I wish someone knowledgable could just ride it and tell me what they think, it doesn't even sound right at all.


dismount art student
Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 29, 2004
did you clean silencer, if it was running great and quit all of a sudden, your exhaust couldve plugged up. ive seen the same thing happen multiple times, sounds like it needs it anyway, and jetting will only makes sense if the rest of the bike is in order


Nov 5, 2008
okay so I'm an idiot, I got the bolts off with a pair of vice grips and it has a #3 needle jet with the clip 2nd position from the bottom. I popped the clip off and it went flying, drove everywhere looking for a new one since suzuki told me twice I have to buy the whole needle with clip. I found a clip on ebay then called them back with the part number and the guy says oh yeah we have 19 in stock... I'm going to take a ride down there, and see if its the right ones. Should I just move it up a notch to the middle (theres 5 notches) or try two? Hopefully they have the right size clip to begin with...


dismount art student
Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 29, 2004
if your clip is an e-ring like mine it can be found at auto parts stores or fastenal


May 19, 2006
Probably everyone that has regularly adjusted needles has lost one of those at one time or another. My close vision ain't what it used to be so I now keep a little baggie of spare clips.


Nov 5, 2008
Yeah i drove everywhere looking for the clip, wasted over $10 in gas because I wanted it today. The dealer had 19 clips and none of them fit go figure, I don't want to risk having the wrong size either because it will have a huge effect on the needle jet setting. I went ahead and ordered one for $4 (what a rip off) to play it on the safe side. About the silencer though, would one with the packing thats saturated in oil really make that big of a difference to there it wont even run right? Also just adjusting the needle clip alone shouldn't lean it out too much to where I'm gonna blow it up right? Its running extremely rich...


dismount art student
Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 29, 2004
last year my cousin wasted the entire 4th of july weekend at the dunes with the exact problem youre having, 2 weeks later he took it to his buddies shop . they cleaned the carbon buildup and repacked silencer. bam like a new bike. so he wasted 50$ on needles,clips, and jets. didnt get to ride the entire holiday weekend and spent HOURS playing with the carb instead of listening to me. its a 15 minute job to check how bad it is


Nov 5, 2008
Thanks everyone for the great advice, I'm going to raise the clip one notch and repack the silencer. I didnt think the silencer packing would have that bad an effect
on how it ran. Like I said, I know its probably soaked seeing oil drips out the rivit holes after riding it. Thanks again everyone for putting up with my dumb questions, I'm just trying to learn. PS i rode my buddies RMZ 250 yesterday in the sand pit, it just seemed boring with no power curve. Even with my bike running crappy its way faster!
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