WER Hoooooo


Mar 3, 2003
After much hair pulling and eye strain from HRS of reading posts I have finally got my WER on order from the US. Woo Hoooo !!! :aj:
Are there any mounting secrets or setup hints like oil weights, damper settings etc? From what Ive read alot of guys are running a thicker oil and leaving the knob on '1'. Any thoughts or ideas are appreciated. Cheers tREV :aj: :aj:

I thought about the Scotts and a low mount or fender mount kits but the price and my riding skill really dont warrant the Scotts...


Oct 14, 1999
You will have to notch the headlight shell for the WER arm to attach to the frame clamp.

Make sure you use the fender washers provided.

The whole install job is only a 'minutes' issue. Not a big deal at all.

Enjoy it!


Dec 30, 2002
I installed a WER damper on my hybrid bike a few weeks ago and agree with those who say "once you have one you will never ride without". The KX fork is a little on the stiff side for tight woods and rocky hare scrambles - in fact I kind of hated it before I installed the damper. Now, with the damper, I'm not so sure the fork is that far off. The damper helps the bike to continue straight over stuff without deflecting off to the side. I'm running the adjuster about 3/4 turn out from full stiff.

I've been fighting a little problem with an injured wrist for over a year now - due to a wide open 3rd gear incident with a 12" dia tree on my DX. The last race I ran before installing the damper I ended up having to quit after about an hour and a half due to the beating the wrist was taking. I ran another race a few days after the damper install and was ready for another 2 hours after the race was over. I ran a real conservative pace early in the race hoping to help the wrist hold up but it was never an issue and I was able to wick it up quite a bit towards the end. I don't think this would have been the case without the WER. Money well spent!!


Jan 27, 2004
Kay dee exer, your pit bull looks IDENTICAL to mine, your bigger one that is


Mar 3, 2003
Thanks everyone for your replies. What setting do you guys have the WER set to? What oil weights do you like? Ive read abit on running a thicker oil, any thoughts on oil brands / weights?

REDRAM... He's got a head like a rock but with less brains than one. He's a mad dog but the female has the bigger balls of the two.

Well I need advice. The supplier rang me today and told me they can only get the weld on type brackets for my WER. I can weld fairly well so the welding wont be a problem. Im just wondering if there are any downsides to the weld on type? Does anyone else have the weld on one? Any mounting tips or tricks? Im going to have the KDX for a while so I dont need to swap it to another bike. He is already shipping it to me so any input would be much appreciated. Cheers tREV


Apr 19, 2003
man i must have missed where you asked for advice. the scotts would have been much easier to install. just my two cents.


Mar 3, 2003
The Scotts was over $1000 and I needed to change too much stuff ie bars, clamps, etc. I looked into it but cost wise it wasnt worth it for me I dont think. The WER should be fine. I can probably send it back and see if they can track down a bolt on type bracket if its alot easier. The downfall is a 4 week wait. I can live with waiting. So to WELD or to BOLT????


Feb 26, 2004
Hey mate, just remember - there is nothing sticky tape can't fix. ;) I hope it goes on OK whichever way you decide to attach it.

How's your eye healing up?

Hmm, I think next time I should wash my hands between cleaning the KIPS and typing on my (previously) white iBook... doh!


Mar 3, 2003
LMAO... Doh alright... The eyes sorta kinda gettin there if ya know what I mean. Seriously its getting better pain wise, its still like having hot sand in it 24/7 though. Im absolutley HANGIN to go for a ride. Hopefully not too much longer . The stickers have been sent you should see them soon. When the other 300 are done Ill let you know when to start checking to mailbox. Ill keep the sticky tape in mind LOL. Take care Tim

Can anyone verify for me whether the weld on type is cheaper than the bolt on type WER? I have a feeling the weld on one is cheaper.


Dec 30, 2002
In my opinion, a welded on bracket is a much simpler, cleaner, and more rigid setup. When I have my bike torn down this winter I'm planning on welding on a mount to replace WER's bolt-on mount. I used the bolt-on one because it's quick and easy to install and I'd rather be riding this time of year instead of striping the bike down to repaint the welded area.


Jul 31, 2000
I bolted mine, no probs. I have also welded one on to my DRZ (many moons ago), worked just as well.
I run mine just about all the way to the stiffest setting with the WER recommended oil and am happy with it. Next rebuild I may try heavier weight oil, just for kicks.
I really like the fact that the WER mounts down low, it leaves plenty of room on the handlebars for computers.


Jul 14, 2002
Wolf said:
I really like the fact that the WER mounts down low, it leaves plenty of room on the handlebars for computers.

Well... I have the Scotts and it mounts up top (bolt on) and got the computer mount and one piece clamp for my 95 KDX 200 and man it is a sweeet setup. The nice thing about a top mount is that you can adjust it on the fly (unlike a bottom mount) A plus in my book! I know it costs more than the WER but I am hoping it will be a one time investment. I couldn't imagine riding without it anymore.... worth every red cent I paid for it. You can't go wrong with a stabilizer..... ;)


Mar 3, 2003
Thanks alot guys for all your input. Bottom line is I guess its better to have any damper than none... A few welds isnt a problem I just feel they were making more money off me by giving me the weld on type. They're dear enough as it is.
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